My 200th post! Wooohooo!!!!
PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 11:33 pm
Hey everybody, I am Heero yuy 95 and this is my 200th post and I feel that posting about it would be most awesome-cool. I have been going on CAA for around a year and have been a member for about half that time. This is an awesome site on it's pretty much the only place I go to on the web. I am a mecha fan and it is definitely my favorite genre. i used to be a big Gundam Wing fan, but I'm not so much into it anymore. As for what my screen name means, it is heero yuy, a character from Gundam Wing and for the 95, I meant to put 195, the date on Gundam Wing(the series), but I goofed. I like some other anime, too. I enjoyed watching Sailor Moon for some time, but it just got too repetitive. I also sometimes enjoy watching Mew Mew Power, but it seems to also have the weekly random monster syndrome that Sailor Moon had. I have episodes of both series on tape. i found this site by chance encounter on a Google Web search. I was into hentai at the time and I happened to come across this website by chance( pretty ironic, huh?). fortunately, I'm not into hentai anymore. My all-time favorite anime would have to be Robotech/Macross Saga and just Macross in general. i also have Macross 2, the Movie, and i quite enjoy it. And I would like to check out Macross 7. I am also a very huge Star Wars fan and I personally like star Wars over anime, but that's just me. That is all I can think to write at the time, and if you have any questions about myself, feel free to ask them. Over and out.