Hello, all! I've never even posted a bio about myself, but I'm going to take the time to do so now.
Hmm... where to begin? Well, as of November '04, I am a senior at the University of Virginia's College at Wise (conveniently 20 minutes from my hometown), where I will be graduating with a B.A. in Communication and a B.S. in Computer Information Systems in May of '05. I'm the editor-in-chief of the student newspaper, and this is my third (and final.. ) year as editor.
Oddly enough, I'm an anime fan (who would've guessed?), and I'm a huge fan of anime comedies. I also love video games, especially platform titles. My favorite video game characters are Luigi and Mega Man (the original Mega Man, not neccessarily all this new-fangled stuff the whippersnappers like these days).
What else to say, what else to say? Oh, about that title for this thread. I have TONS of nicknames, and "R to the O" is one of them. R to the O is a shortened form of "R to the O to the G to the E to the R," which was a nickname my cousin gave me because I was doing well in a math class in high school (exponents, etc.). I'm also called Rogie, Roagie Hoagie (a play on my first and last name), Rogeroli, Rogues, Roger Dodger, R-Dog, and Jimmy Neutron (I hate that last one).
Oh, my future plans are that I'm going to grad school next year at the University of Tennessee, where I hope to get a Master's and then a Ph.D. in journalism/converging media, after which I hope to teach college (my lifelong dream).
Some random things: I like to sing, I like to dance, I like to wear khaki pants. I like to write, I like to rhyme, I like to ponder about time. And I love to smile! (Sorry, maybe I get tired of the rhyming thing sometimes.)
So, any questions for R-dog, R 2 the O, or any of my other aliases? Ask away, fellow CAA members!