This thread is for talking about the newer series, like the current one and those series with the game mechanic of Redemption Island, not older ones. Otherwise I'll have no clue what you're talking about, as I'm a new fan.
I actually watched survivor tonight (most of it) and it wad pretty cool! Some parts even stuck out to me as a Christian, like:
1. When Edna went back and helped Coach, even though he lost. That was so Christ-like of her, and began rooting for her at that time.
2. Can't remember his name, but we have a Christian character this time. Russell's nephew, I think. Anyway, I really like how he was being careful and not wanting to put himself into any bad situations that would cause him to sin. I don't think he will turn out as good as Matt but then again it's the first episode I've watched so I'm not one to judge.
One last thing:What do you think of the tikis/immunity idols on survivor? I normally am offended by such but I was so focused on the Christian values displayed that I barely felt any conviction. Should I keep watching? Thanks and God bless. 0:)