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Postby MomoAdachi » Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:59 pm

I'm glad someone mentioned this series in the "Favorite TV Shows" as a kid thread, as I really think, especially considering it was intended to promote a fashion doll line, that Jem(a syndicated animated series from the mid-to-late '80s about a young woman named Jerrica Benton who holographically transforms into the "truly outrageous" pink-haired rock star Jem) is the closest we've come in the US to shoujo stuff like Sailor Moon and Fancy Lala. The characters were pretty three-dimensional, particularly Stormer, the "nice" Misfit, the animation wasn't Disney but good for '80s Saturday mornings, the music surprisingly enjoyable and catchy, and the storylines more mature than you'd expect(it dealt with issues such as illiteracy, drugs, death, running away from home, etc.). Yes, the fashion sense is terribly dated today, but other than that it really is worth a look for shoujo fans(the first two seasons have been legally released on DVD, although they can be hard to find, and there were also some VHS tapes of episodes released), and there really shouldn't be anything really objectionable from a Christian standpoint either...
Non-Christian Anti-Hentai Grrl
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Postby yukoxholic » Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:28 pm

MomoAdachi (post: 1202040) wrote:I'm glad someone mentioned this series in the "Favorite TV Shows" as a kid thread, as I really think, especially considering it was intended to promote a fashion doll line, that Jem(a syndicated animated series from the mid-to-late '80s about a young woman named Jerrica Benton who holographically transforms into the "truly outrageous" pink-haired rock star Jem) is the closest we've come in the US to shoujo stuff like Sailor Moon and Fancy Lala. The characters were pretty three-dimensional, particularly Stormer, the "nice" Misfit, the animation wasn't Disney but good for '80s Saturday mornings, the music surprisingly enjoyable and catchy, and the storylines more mature than you'd expect(it dealt with issues such as illiteracy, drugs, death, running away from home, etc.). Yes, the fashion sense is terribly dated today, but other than that it really is worth a look for shoujo fans(the first two seasons have been legally released on DVD, although they can be hard to find, and there were also some VHS tapes of episodes released), and there really shouldn't be anything really objectionable from a Christian standpoint either...

I love JEM but what really stinks is that the prior disrupters that owned the DVD seasons sold their rights to Sony and Sony has put it on indefinite hiatus. So, I doubt we'll get any more JEM until Sony decides to wise up and start selling! x__x I suppose Seasons 1 & 2 and half of the 3rd will have to suffice for now. Thank goodness they sell those DVD sets used on but yes, I do agree with you that was the first taste of "US Anime" that wasn't created by a Japanese story board and director. It was all purely American animated. Plus, like you stated it wasn't all sugary-sweet it dealt with a lot of issues! It was certainly no "High School Musical" ^__^

Edit: Peach Girl rocks! ^__^
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