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Latest Spider-man 3 trailer...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 11:58 pm
by Animus Seed
Okay, I'm upset.

I just saw Pan's Labyrith (aka Movie-Animus-Seed-Has-Been-Waiting-For-His-Whole-Life) and there was a Spidey3 trailer.

One of the scenes showed Peter and Aunt May sitting in a police station with a cop. "Oops, sorry folks, this is the guy that really killed Uncle Ben."

Ret-conning Sandman as Uncle Ben's killer, first off doesn't even make any sense.

Second, it's just plain bad. It destroys the entire Spider-man mythos. The defining moment of the character---I could have stopped him, and I didn't, so it's my fault my uncles dead---With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility---is trashed. Since that moment was pulled off so well in the first movie, this doesn't even do what I usually don't mind: Leaving-The-Source-Material-To-Make-The-Movie-Better-On-Its-Own. No, this weakens and cheapens the entire trilogy. The entire reason for Peter being Spider-man is gone.

Now, I'll probably wind up seeing it anyways just to see Venom (note the avatar) but I hope the Sandman storyline wraps up as quickly as possible.

If it doesn't, I'm just going to keep watching Spider-man 2 and pretend it's the only movie. La la la la la...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:03 am
by crossalchemist
Not only that but why are they introducing Gwen Stacy now? Don't they realize it's too late? And what the crap is up with trying to do Sandman and Venom in the same movie??!!? Both of those villans have enough storyline from the comics to have their own movies in which they face off with Spidey. And I agree, the whole reason Peter became Spidey in the first place is GONE. G. O. N. E. Gone. It just doesn't make sense. What are they thinking?!?!?

...But I'll end up seeing it anyway...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:09 am
by Fish and Chips
Gah! I couldn't believe it when they pulled the "No, this was the guy." Didn't they already deal that card in the Batman movies?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:26 am
by Joshua Christopher
You know, it could just be something some villains said to mess with Spidey.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:58 am
by bigsleepj
Perhaps it turns out in the end that the police were wrong about the Sandman's involvement. It could even be his 'friend' Harry trying to stir him up (he's got the money to fake police reports, at least in theory). I hope it is the latter.

At least Uncle Ben isn't being ressurected by Harry as a Spider Slayer Cyborg thingie, which would have been messed up.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:12 am
by Animus Seed
[quote="Joshua Christopher"]You know, it could just be something some villains said to mess with Spidey.


That's what my brother told me, too.

I doubt Hollywood is that smart, but we'll see.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:14 am
by R. Zion
The only problem is that I've seen pictures of pre-Sandman and the thief for the first film together, so unless that was some kind of flashback in Peter's mind, they intend to go through with this.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:52 am
by goldenspines seems they made the plot too complex also. How can one keep track of 3 villians, more new characters, and several conflicts going on at the same time?
It seems they took the rest of the Spidey comics and smushed them into one movie. But who knows, it might end up to be a pretty good movie.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:04 am
by Tenshi no Ai
Animus Seed wrote:
If it doesn't, I'm just going to keep watching Spider-man 2 and pretend it's the only movie. La la la la la...

You serious? That one was like, a joke^^ My friend and I got quite a few laughs during that one due to its cheesiness^^ (Great fun it was!)

As for this storyline, that seems... odd :/ It BETTER turn out right instead of the "actually... it was HIM!" thing :/ And I as well am hoping not for a quick hour 1/2 movie at a quickened pace just so they can fit everything in. That's like, how novels into bad movies happen :/

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:06 am
by Eaglestrike
From what I've heard Tobey said this was the last Spiderman he was planning on doing. He said he might do another if he likes the script but his contract is over now. Kirstin said she wasn't going to do it without Tobey. So they might be shoving everything into this one.

I'll probably download it, but depending on reviews might see it in theaters instead (good reviews = I'll pay).

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:26 am
by Radical Dreamer
[quote="Joshua Christopher"]You know, it could just be something some villains said to mess with Spidey.


Yeah, that's what I've been thinking. I mean, they did such a good job with the first two films, it'd be ridiculous for them to stray from the comics in such a big way now. Besides, they know their fanbase; they MUST know that the whole "it wasn't this guy, it was this guy" thing wouldn't go over well. XD

I'll be seeing it regardless, though. XD

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:31 am
by the_lizardqueen
I still choose to believe that the Uncle Ben's killer switcheroo is a fake out/hallucination brought about by the symbiote in order to cause Spiderman to brutally slaughter Sandman. Think about it, in the early preview posters Sandman was shown shielding a child while facing down the cops. Why? Because Pete would be unwittingly killing a father. It casts Sandman in a more sympathetic light and puts an even darker spin on Spiderman's actions. Plus Sandman's a lot more disposable than the more popular villains.

Even if the cops really do think that Sandman killed Uncle Ben I'm betting that in the end it will prove to be false and Peter will end up regretting his actions. Couple that with nearly killing Harry and I bet that Peter is going to be desperate to get rid of the symbiote by the end of the film.

There is absolutely NO WAY Raimi would have to nerve to screw up the Spiderman mythos like that. Isn't he a rabid fan just like us? I really, really hope that I'm right >_<

Although I do agree with the overall consensus that Venom SO should have had an entire film to himself.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:37 am
by Radical Dreamer
the_lizardqueen wrote:Although I do agree with the overall consensus that Venom SO should have had an entire film to himself.

Oh, I know. I get the feeling that Venom is going to be saved for like, the last 10 minutes or something. XD I mean, he barely shows up in any of the trailers. Then again, that could be because they want to save the Venom scenes for the movie, but still. XD Venom is my favorite comic book villain, so I hope he gets lots of screen-time. And I agree on the symbiote thing, too--that's got to be the reason for the confusion on Ben's killer in the previews. XD

Anyways, I'm guessing that this movie might run into the three-hour mark. They've got a lot of stuff to wrap up if this is going to be the last Spidey film. I read in the paper yesterday that they are actually thinking about wrapping it up with this one...All I'm saying is that it had better go out with a bang. XD

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:44 am
by the_lizardqueen
Tenshi no Ai wrote:You serious? That one was like, a joke^^ My friend and I got quite a few laughs during that one due to its cheesiness^^ (Great fun it was!)

*gasps* YOU DIDN'T LOVE THE OCK!? Granted, the Mary Jane and Peter angst and continual dramatic spechifying did get a bit much. But the Doctor Octopus totally made up for it in my mind. Hehehe. I still love the bit on the train with the bystanders pulling the cliche 'you'll have to go through us' bit and Doc Ock totally flattening them, and DUDE, the actuators rocked-

*lapses off into geekish fangirling*

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:03 am
by CreatureArt
Haha, I love the fangirling, LQ. ^^

I hope that you and RD are right.... if they've simply done a switcheroo with Uncle Ben's killer that will really influence the level of enjoyment I get from the film. :sweat: But I will see it sometime, regardless. I've enjoyed the previous two films. ^^

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:03 am
by Cognitive Gear
I think that the whole "Sandman is the guy who REALLY killed your Uncle!" thing will turn out to be a villain manipulating Spidey.

One thing I would love to see in the films is a switch of the roles of MJ/Gwen Stacy. In other words: MJ dies on the Brooklyn Bridge and Gwen Stacy is who he end up with. It would be the only way that the emotional impact from the death of Gwen Stacy could be conveyed to the new generation. Too bad Hollywood isn't that smart... or that brave.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:46 am
by Nate
I just can't believe they're trying to have three villains in one movie. Didn't they learn their lesson from the Batman movies? When they started trying to cram in as many villains as they could, they started to suck.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:15 am
by ShiroiHikari
I didn't like Spiderman 2 at all so I wasn't looking forward to Spiderman 3 anyway. But this just sounds ridiculous so far...maybe it'll work out for the best, but I doubt it.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:40 pm
by the_lizardqueen
Oi. Now I'm getting excited about this movie what with all this talk. Hopefully it isn't for naught O_O

I hope the multiple villains work out and it doesn't turn into X-3 which attempted to shoehorn several major character deaths/the Pheonix saga/a mutant cure/the introduction of a bajillion new characters/Beast/Angel and complete Wolverine overkill into way too short of time frame. But I'm totally not bitter. Noooo sirree...*eye tick*

Though I do suppose that Spiderman 3 is shaping up to incorporate Venom/the Symbiote saga/Green Goblin II/Sandman/Gwen Stacy/revisiting Uncle Ben's killing. Also, that's an interesting idea ikimasu, I'm wondering though if Harry will off Gwen...

On the bright side it's still the same director for Spidey 3. That might help. Alot.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:44 pm
by Joshua Christopher

wait im confused sandman is the villian???????

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:55 pm
by CreatureArt

Good point. Very good point, Joshua. ^^

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:42 pm
by uc pseudonym
I'm going to withhold judgment until I see the film itself, especially on anything seen in a trailer. Though I have concerns about the number of villains being included in the movie, I hope that it will be resolved well. That's possible, if one exists only to set the scene and Venom is more of an internal battle for most of the movie.

As for the second film, I liked it overall. Peter Parker and Mary Jane never really mattered to me anyway (I don't come into any film expecting the relationship aspect to be anything but cheesy) so what impressed me was how they handled Doc Ock.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:54 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
the_lizardqueen wrote:*gasps* YOU DIDN'T LOVE THE OCK!? Granted, the Mary Jane and Peter angst and continual dramatic spechifying did get a bit much. But the Doctor Octopus totally made up for it in my mind. Hehehe. I still love the bit on the train with the bystanders pulling the cliche 'you'll have to go through us' bit and Doc Ock totally flattening them, and DUDE, the actuators rocked-

I didn't say it wasn't still a gooder^^ Just the movie I remember seeing, was quite the comedy^^ I mean, Peter jumping off a building to try to get his powers back, only to fall to the ground (with conveniently places apartment laundry lines... do people still even do those??), oh, and the whole time that "Raindrops Keep Fallin On My Head" was playing^^ Good stuff...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:56 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Tenshi no Ai wrote:...and the whole time that "Raindrops Keep Fallin On My Head" was playing^^ Good stuff...

Oooh yeah, that scene. XD; That was pretty funny, though I think it was meant to be. Still, yeah, I see what you mean. XD I loved the second installment, though--Doc Ock was great. :D

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 5:57 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Oh! And can't forget the violin playing woman tryign to sing the Spiderman theme song!^^

...Ok I'm done^^

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:01 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Oh! And can't forget the violin playing woman tryign to sing the Spiderman theme song!^^

...Ok I'm done^^

Oh yeah! XD I loved that scene; since I practically grew up on the old Saturday morning cartoon (the OLD one, not the new(er) one XD), I was really hoping they'd fit that song into one of the movies somehow. XD

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 9:28 pm
by bigsleepj
Joshua Christopher wrote:Image

wait im confused sandman is the villian???????

Now THAT made my day! :grin:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 12:42 am
by Stephen
What, comic movies making junk up and making the fans mad? Since when!!?!?

Ahem. Sorry, bitter Gambit fan.

Aherm. Fear not, Punisher 2 is in the works.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 6:32 pm
by Animus Seed
Tenshi no Ai wrote:You serious? That one was like, a joke^^ My friend and I got quite a few laughs during that one due to its cheesiness^^ (Great fun it was!)

I don't mind cheesy. Comics can be cheesy.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:35 pm
by The Doctor
Guys, seriously give Sam Raimi some credit and patience.

He's done great with the Spider-Man movies so not great...EXCELLENT.

Wait until the movie's out so we can see the entire story and what he's done THIS time, then make a judgement call.

So many fans have been upset or anxious about Spider-Man 3, worrying about how bad or good it will be. To me, Sam Raimi has done nothing but continually impress me with his work on the series so far, so give him the space he's EARNED and let's see what he pulls off.