Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye
PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 3:02 pm
... Gets the mighty Temulin's approval!!! And that's rare for a non-anime show.
Anybody else watch Sue Thomas? I've seen the entire series now. And lemme say I think it's great that serious, wholesome, Christian shows like this can exist on television today (although they did run out of funding not too long ago so... perhaps I should phrase that in the past tense?). Shows where they're actually allowed to say four letter words like "PRAY" *Gasp* without being censored by the P.C. police. Or worst yet, talk about God and Jesus in more than just the abstract mystical 'creator.' I love this series... it's got awesome F.B.I. action based on real-life issues, loveable characters, and intense drama, without compromising it's morality in anyway. Furthermore, it's based on the true story of a deaf-woman who worked for the F.B.I for several years.
Anybody else watch Sue Thomas? I've seen the entire series now. And lemme say I think it's great that serious, wholesome, Christian shows like this can exist on television today (although they did run out of funding not too long ago so... perhaps I should phrase that in the past tense?). Shows where they're actually allowed to say four letter words like "PRAY" *Gasp* without being censored by the P.C. police. Or worst yet, talk about God and Jesus in more than just the abstract mystical 'creator.' I love this series... it's got awesome F.B.I. action based on real-life issues, loveable characters, and intense drama, without compromising it's morality in anyway. Furthermore, it's based on the true story of a deaf-woman who worked for the F.B.I for several years.