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OKAY! I'll try again...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:05 am
by Shao Feng-Li
Fire Fox crashed out just before I submitted my post...

Some of you may know that I took a belt test yesturday. Well I passed so now I'm a green II belt rank in Dan Zan Ryu Jujitsu and Kodokon Judo. Grr, now I have to write the details again. Well, this was my last class so if I failed I couldn't test again in a month. I was so nervous. My mom was there, it was a big class, and the lady who takes pictures for the dojo's website was there. I was so nervous that I didn't even realize I wasn't breathing.

I tied my new belt around my waist without it touching the mats, other wise we get thrown trice. (When testing for black belt, you are only allowed to sit on your knees - seza- and if it touches the ground, you fail the test and can't try again for a year. ^_^;;) When ever we pass Wise Sensei throws us with a little something called "Jigoku Otoshi" which means Hell Drop in English. :evil:

Whatsucks is that I have to leave all ym friends behind. You grow fond of people when you've trained with them for over a year. :sniffle:

Here's some photos!

Here's my friends James and Yuki-

Here's me diving over people-

From right to left: James, me, James, Cami, Tessa and Yuki..I dont know the other kids, heh.

Well jsut click on my info and go to the website and look at the sixth slideshow

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:56 am
by agasfas
Ahh... Congrats on your belt advancement. Also, nice photos.

I'm sure, even though you are moving up... you'll still keep in touch. But yeah, it's hard to leave a group of people you grow found/attached to. But onto bigger and better things right?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:58 am
by Debitt
:hug: ^^ Congrats! Awesome photos. x3; I envy anyone who can train under a martial art for any extended period of time.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:40 pm
by Aka-chan
Wow, awesome pictures! I admire all your hard work; good luck with your move--I've moved tons of times and I know how hard it is to go through such a change.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:04 pm
by mitsuki lover
I admire your discpline to stick at something so hard as martial arts.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:11 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
This wasn't the test I took. This would be my next one. Everything in bold is everything that wasn't on Green II.

Judo/ Jujitsu

Green Belt I - Shikyu

Ukemi must be done from running or jumping.

Roll over three people
Side roll
Front fall
Back fall
Side fall

Escapes from front, side and/or rear attacks. Demonstrate footwork, kiai, atemi or tori and defensive stance.

Katate hazushi ichi (4 variations)
Katate hazushi ni (4 variations)
Ryote hazushi (4 variations)
Morote hazushi (4 variations)
Momiji hazushi (6 variations)
Eri hazushi (4 variations)
Ryoeri hazushi (4 variations)
Yubi tori hazushi (2 variations)
Imon tori (2 variations)
Kubi nuki shime
Hagai shime hazushi
Yubi tori (2 variations)
Moro yubi tori (2 variations)
Katate tori
Ryote tori (2 variations)
Tekubi tori ichi (2 variations)
Tekubi tori ni (2 variations)
Ryoeri tori (2 variations)
Akushu kote tori (2 variations)
Akushu ude tori (2 variations)
Akushu kotemaki tori
Hagai shime

Nage Waza / Nage Te
Nage may be done from kumikata. Demonstrate Kiai and defensive stance

Ashi Waza
O soto gari
Ko soto gari
O uchi gari
Ko uchi gari
Deashi barai / Deashi barai
Uchi mata / Uchi momo harai
Deashi Harai
Sase tsuri komi ashi / Sase ashi
Kosoto gake / Soto gama
O Guruma / Soto momo harai

Koshi Waza
O goshi/ Ogoshi
Sode tsuri komi goshi/Tsurikomi goshi
Tsuri komi goshi
Uki goshi
Hane goshi / Hane goshi
Harai goshi / Harai goshi
Ushiro goshi

Te Waza
Ippon seoi nage / Seoi Nage
Suki nage
Morote seoi nage
Tai otoshi
Seoi goshi
Uki otoshi

Ma Sutemi Waza
Tomoe nage / Tomoe nage
Sumigaeshi / Sumigaeshi (oku)

Katame Waza - Osae komi waza
Begin from nage. Demonstrate transition.

Kesa katame
Kata katame
Kami shiho katame
Yoko shiho katame
Kuzure (ushiro) kesa katame
Tate shiho katame

Shime Te / Shime Waza / Kansetsu Waza
Begin from standing, demonstrating takedown, recovery and defensive stance.

Eri gatame
Kata gatame
Juji gatame
Shiho gatame
Kote shime / Ude garami
Namijuji shime / Gyaku juji jime
Gyakujuji shime / Nami juji jime
Ichimonji shime
Hadaka jime ni / Hadaka jime
Hadaka jime san / Hadaka jime
Tenada jime
Ashikarami jime
Ashinada jime
Ashi yubi jime
Kata juji jime
Dho jime
Momo jime
Shikano itsusoku jime
Shidare fuji jime

Deashi hayanada
Gyaku shigarami
Kote shigarami
Ogoshi hayanada
Sumigaeashi (nage waza)
Gyakute Nage
Hiki otoshi


Taikyoku shodan
Taikuoku nidan

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 2:22 pm
by Fsiphskilm
You should a

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:35 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
Sure, I'll do that

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:12 pm
by Ingemar
Great jeorb, great job. I've done Kendo for six months and I don't even know what rank I am. Keep up the good work.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:59 pm
by Ashley
Since you put so much work into these posts, I'm not gonna delete this thread but PLEASE post in the right forum.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:45 pm
by Zedian
I am so glad I came across this thread, I would've never found the CAA photo album. Great stuff.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:58 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
My question to you Ashley: which forum would I put it in?
EDIT: Oh, I didn't even consider the sports center. Thanks Ashley. I didn't consider it, because it really isn't a discussion abotu judo nor did I consider it a sport at the time.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:26 pm
by oro!
It is cool to see someone progress in such a discipline as Judo/jujitsu. Congrats!
So, how often do you practice? I am sorta trying to get a good idea of what I should do for seon ki do.