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Revenge of the Sith Trailer

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 12:33 pm
by Godly Paladin
Revenge of the Sith Trailer

So...what do you guys think of this?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:20 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
revenge of the jedi (original name i believe)... revenge of the sith... they are too similar

but... this may actually be a GOOD "new" starwars movie... if you catch my drift...

lol some of the action scenes looked a bit "Halo-ish"

i want to see this movie

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:22 pm
by Yojimbo
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:revenge of the jedi (original name i believe)... revenge of the sith... they are too similar

Revenge of the Jedi was a working title for Return of the Jedi. Since revenge is a very un-jedi thing Lucas changed it.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:24 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
yes revenge is something bad sith lords do... cause they are mean

watching that trailer makes me appreciate episode 6 even more... the space scenes look great as well, and nice to see a wookie (I doubt it's chewbacca though)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 2:35 pm
by Yojimbo
I saw this trailer last week and this looks to be the best of the prequels. Finally we get to see Anakin go evil and do some wanton masscreing Darth Vader stlye. If you've checked my other thread with the spoiler pics in it you've seen that there tons of fight scenesm more than any other Star Wars movie. That is a good thing considering we know that the prequels have been lacking in the story department. I know where I'm going to be May 19th.:)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:23 pm
by ShiroiHikari
hmmmm, looks promising. but I can't help being a bit skeptical. still, I'll more than likely be in line to see it just like with the other two.

and Yojimbo, I'd check out your other thread, but if this movie -does- turn out to be friggin' awesome, I want to be surprised XD

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 3:52 pm
by shooraijin
It will be interesting to see what event converts Anakin to Darth Vader.

The movie has a weird place because we already know what will happen in general terms, it's just the details that we want to see.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:12 pm
by Godly Paladin
It was nice to see X-Wings...finally.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:20 pm
by Rue Shibusky
shooraijin wrote:The movie has a weird place because we already know what will happen in general terms, it's just the details that we want to see.

Isn't that kinda how it is with most movies though? Most of the time you just know that there's gonna be some sort of happy ending or whatever and the guy is gonna get the girl or something like just don't know how. I guess.... :eh:

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:21 pm
by blkmage
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:nice to see a wookie (I doubt it's chewbacca though)
While that may or may not have been Chewbacca, he is in it and so are other wookiees.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:27 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
blkmage wrote:While that may or may not have been Chewbacca, he is in it and so are other wookiees.

chewbacca is in it? Thats rather coincidental... unless han solo is magically a character in episode III... or this is before Han buys chewbacca...

and they are NOT x-wings! They are Incom T65 X-Wing Starfighters if ya want to get REALLY technical XD

im just joking with ya XD

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 5:40 pm
by Yojimbo
About 3/4 through the trailer you see a Wookie with the same exact looking Chewbacca costume as in the trilogy with a bandolier on. It's not hard to figure out that's Chewbacca. And Han Solo never bought Chewbacca, Solo saved his life so the Wookie owed him a life debt. And pause when ya get to the fighters and look closely they're not X-Wings they're an entirely new ship.

Really you can figure out just about everything that's gonna happen in the movie, but here is what I know so far.

And here is that link again

It's coming to the end of the Clone Wars and Palpatine's conspiracy of putting the galaxy into civil war is in it's final stages.

The giant space battle is over Coruscant. Palpatine was "captured" by the Seperatists and is on the Seperatist command ship. Anakin and Obi Wan must "rescue" him and capture Dooku. This plays right into Palpatine's favor. Duel commences, Palpatine tells Anakin to kill Dooku. Dooku realizes Palpatine shafted him. Anakin kills him.

Anaking keeps having dreams of Padme's death. Palpatine has become Anakin's mentor and asks him for advice about the dreams. Tells him about abilities to cheat death.

General Greivous somewhere along the line fights Obi Wan on the planet Utapau. I'm assuming the battle with the Wookies is here too.

Mace Windu and crew try to arrest Palpatine. Palpatine kills the other Jedi, but Mace Windu is about to slay him when Anakin backstabs Windu. Anakin swears his loyalty to Palpatine/Sidious.

Palpatine condemns Jedi Order and Old Republic. Anakin and the clone troopers waste the Jedi Temple. Anakin goes to the planet Mustafar to kill the last of the Trade Federation/Seperatist leaders, the final part of Palpatine's plan. Obi Wan goes there to stop him. Yoda goes off for a showdown with Sidious. Palpatine beats Yoda and of course Yoda survives.

Obi Wan tells Padme about Anakin. They go to Mustafar. Too late Anakin's killed em all. Anakin force chokes Padme, but she's still barely alive. Anakin/Obi Wan duel ensues. Anakin falls into a pit of lava. Obi Wan goes back to Padme and they take her away. She gives birth to Luke and Leia and she dies.

Anakin gets extracted from the pit and is severly disfigured. He puts on the Vader suit and denounces his old name.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:20 pm
by blkmage
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:chewbacca is in it? Thats rather coincidental...

and they are NOT x-wings! They are Incom T65 X-Wing Starfighters if ya want to get REALLY technical XD

Well, Chewie was born over 200 years before the Battle of Yavin.
And those things really aren't X-wings. I'm assuming you're looking at those x-wing type things with the extra two wings coming out of the middle.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:16 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
They aren't X-wings but I read on the offical site (concept art section) that their design is ment to invoke memories of the X-wing.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 11:57 pm
by R. Zion
Actually the X-Wing craft are called ARC-170s if I'm not mistaken. Clone fighters.

And originally george wanted Han to have a silent cameo, but thankfully they cut it and the EU remains intact. As for Chewie, this is before the Empire enslaved his people, so he's just another Wookiee trying to protect his people.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:30 am
by shooraijin
The EU?

As long as there's no more of that Midicloriean or however it's spelled baloney.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 6:49 am
by Hitokiri
I was never truly a huge star wars fan but I do like the movies to a certain extent. The third one looks really great. Though I do like the Episodes 4, 5, and 6 better than the prequels.

Looks very very good nevertheless.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:16 am
by R. Zion
shooraijin wrote:The EU?

As long as there's no more of that Midicloriean or however it's spelled baloney.

Yup, EU= Expanded Universe = Every other bit of SW media besides the movie. It generall all fits together, and when there is a flub, they retconn it and make it all flow.

Anyway, according to the EU, Han was still an Imperial Officer when he first met Chewie. He had just graduated from the academy was disgusted by the atrocities and the enslavement against the Wookiees, so, on one mission, I guess Han decided to strike back and free a wookiee slave where he was assigned. That wook ended up being Chewbacca.

Because of this incident, Han was drummed out of the Imperial Navy on a dishonorable discharge but gained all the while Chewbacca's eternal friendship by way of a Life Debt for being save from slavery.

That would be the EU account. If the Ep III scene remained in, we would have jungle boy Han raised by the Wookiees, so that's how he knew Chewbacca. (I believe in the EU he was an orphan and raised in a rather 'Oliver Twist'-like environment with a gang of thieves or something. I forget)

And, as far I've heard, no more Midi-mentions. There's a nice little humbling twist coming to bring us back the way of the Original Trilogy.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:28 am
by Hitokiri
I just called my one of my friends who is going to go see the mid-night showing and so I joined in....unless we don't get the tickets. Luckly, I my classes end May 3rd so I won't have to wrry bout getting to my morning classes :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 12:12 pm
by Godly Paladin
Have fun, man!

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 5:13 pm
by PumpkinKoRn52
Looks better than the other two blasphemous creations, but still equally dissapointing.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:58 pm
by Godly Paladin
The only good part of TPM was the lightsaber duel at the very end...

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:58 pm
by Godly Paladin
The only good part of AoTC was...uh...the fight at the end.

And the whole 'chase-the-assassin-through-the-city' scene.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:11 pm
by Yojimbo
Oh yeah there's no denying the awesomeness of the fight scenes in all of the prequels.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:11 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
blkmage wrote:Well, Chewie was born over 200 years before the Battle of Yavin.
And those things really aren't X-wings. I'm assuming you're looking at those x-wing type things with the extra two wings coming out of the middle.

i was reffering to the person who said that x-wings appeared... i took his word for it

and r.zion is correct, they are indeed ARC-170s

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:00 pm
by Noodles
It looks like the movie is going to rock. I love Star Wars but lately I was disappointed with the last one… the love story in it was forced and was horrible. I find that this one is going to be cool because it is just like the Shakespearian and Greek plays before us. We know the story but we come to see how it all turns out. Oh and that new droid looks really cool, I can’t wait to see it in action.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:11 pm
by the_lizardqueen
Whee! More indications of Yoda inclusive action sequences, action-Yoda makes me muchly happy ^_^

Still, I'm not sure if the Yoda bits are enough to help me recover from the first two prequels, Lucas really ain't inspiring much confidence from me. It's looking like there might not be much Amidala in this one, I'm rather neutral on that matter.. and here's to hoping Hayden comes off better in this one.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:17 pm
by Chaps
Hmm I had found a website with a billion spoilers (a ton of pictures of the movie), so, that ruined it for me...good thing I'm not a major SW fan.

btw, I heard this one is gonna be a PG-13..

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:47 am
by Godly Paladin
I heard that as well. Kind of weird, really, considering all the others were PG. Lucas himself said that he would not take a 5 or 6 year old to see this one...

I guess that's good, in a way. Means it will be 'deeper' and more serious.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 12:07 pm
by Roy Mustang
Godly Paladin wrote:The only good part of TPM was the lightsaber duel at the very end...

But what about Darth Maul? That was the only other good part of TPM.
