Movies of my childhood

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Movies of my childhood

Postby Mourningdove217 » Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:35 pm

The other day, I was thinking of all the things from the 90's that aren't around anymore. Does anyone remember watching inside-out boy, about the kid who swung too high on a swing-set and his skin flipped to the inside and he became a gross mass of muscle?

There was also movies that were big hits during the 90's that no one hears of anymore. The land before time 1. That's the only good one. they don't incessantly break out in song and go find dinosoar-shaped rocks like in all of the other 5 billion sequels made. It actually has a good story line.

Some more are:
Ferngully and Once Apon a Forest -they were both really depressing movies but oddly enough, they were considered favourites amongst kids everywhere.

annnnd who could forget McGee and me?!?!! Who remembers THAT classic? Who could forget the bully kid with the nasty mullet? why do the mullets always have to be the bad guys!

Does anyone else remember these, or did I just like weird movies when I was a kid? :forehead:
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Postby Locke » Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:41 pm

4 Words:

Ferris Bulers Day Off.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:52 pm

Wasn't Ferris Bueller's Day Off in the '80s?
Once you get to be in your 40s all the previous decades start to get all scrunched
together,so I'm not sure if Ferris Bueller's Day Off was the late '80s or early '90s.
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Postby Locke » Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:53 pm

Oh yeah. My bad :sweat:
See Im still young, every decade looks the same to me.
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Postby Arbre » Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:57 pm

Inside Out Boy was a little filler show for in between Nickelodeon cartoons. =) I remember that. It was done with clay or something.

I watched Fern Gully and Land Before Time (the original is the only good one, yes). Those werne't exactly cheerful movies. The "sharp teeth" were very scary when I was little, too. :sweat: And there aren't 5 billion sequels. ;) Just 8-10. Plus a sing-along video.

I can't remember the other ones you've mentioned, though.

But if current trends continue, maybe franchises from the 90's will become more popular again too (care bears, my little pony, and strawberry shortcake are just a few of the 80s/90s things being revived. :) ).
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Postby soul alive » Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:27 pm

inside out boy was a tv show? huh. we didn't watch much nickelodeon when i was a kid. but i do remember an inside out boy book... *shrugs*

and i loved the Land Before Time movie, i even had all of the rubber hand puppets you got at Pizza Hut. fun times. and i've stopped counting the sequels... i just feel sorry for the kids whose parents are buying those for them, thinking they're quality cartoons... lol

Fern Gully was great too... Batty was my favorite character, and now that i'm old enough to really get his jokes, it's even better :evil: yes, i still watch the movie every once in a while...

i won't get on my soapbox, but i'm of the opinion that kids shows were a lot better then than they are now. i dearly loved the Care Bears and My Little Ponies as a kid, and kind of resent the fact that the Care Bears are now computer animated, and geared for toddlers, albiet the original show was geared for kids, but older kids could get into it too... *sigh* and they're bringing back Cabbage Patch kids

and i remember McGee and Me, watching it once or twice in Sunday school... i don't remember why, but i really didn't like the show for some reason...

i know it's not a movie, but does anyone else remember 'Under the Umbrella Tree'? i loved that show as a kid.


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Postby EireWolf » Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:29 pm

Locke wrote:4 Words:

Ferris Bulers Day Off.


The 80s were the best. *sigh*

I did like Fern Gully too. And who could forget the Neverending Story? (The first one only -- the sequel sucked for so many reasons.) The Last Unicorn was awesome... an icon of my youth.
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Postby Scribs » Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:03 pm

I too never did care much for McGee and me, though I must admit that I did enjoy Land Before Time, (I was very much obsessed with dinosaurs when I was younger)
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Postby Stephen » Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:37 pm

WRONG BOARD. *laughs* Please people post where posts are best suited...*sighs and moves it*
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Postby Mourningdove217 » Sat Apr 09, 2005 9:23 am

EireWolf wrote:YES!!!

The 80s were the best. *sigh*

I did like Fern Gully too. And who could forget the Neverending Story? (The first one only -- the sequel sucked for so many reasons.) The Last Unicorn was awesome... an icon of my youth.

I LOVED the neverending story. That was one of my favourites when I was a kid.
I never understood McGee and me. I just watched it anyway.
I remember watching My little Pony and Carebears.
I also remember watching the shows, "Pete and Pete", "salute your shorts", "Eureka's Castle", "Pappy Land", and many more.. It almost seems as though my childhood revolved around watching TV shows :drool:
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Postby Yojimbo » Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:44 pm

I loved the original Land Before Time! It was so sad to see Little Foot's mom die...and I agree Sharp Tooth was scary. I used to watch it almost every I loved it so much.
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Apr 10, 2005 11:18 am

Oh dear, The Neverending Story, I definitely remember that one. The giant rock fellow stands out most clearly in my mind. When I was really, really little, my family stopped for breakfast in the Rocky Mountains while on a family vacation. Everything was fine until I finally woke up and promptly started screaming about the mountains. My parents kinda linked that freak out to the Neverending Story's rock dude.

I was a wee bit of a neurotic child :sweat:

Strangest thing is, The Land Before Time's Sharp Tooth didn't traumatize me. I loved that movie. Other than that I was really obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles around the ages of 6 and 7. It's so weird that the show has made a comeback, especially now that I'm seeing people my age (mostly on the net) who really like it. I'm just like, I watched that when I was a kid!

I also loved Inspector Gadget, but I think that show is prolly crossing the line into the 80's, isn't it? And then there were the early 90's Disney films, like the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast or the Lion King.
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Postby EireWolf » Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:34 pm

Speaking of slightly traumatizing kid movies... How could I forget E.T.? That movie freaked me out (although I loved it). I think it was because of the scientists trying to do experiments on poor helpless E.T.. The scene with the guys in HazMat suits invading their house always scared me.

But I cried my eyes out at Annie. Even though it was a happy ending. Go figure.
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Postby AngelSakura » Sun Apr 10, 2005 3:41 pm

E.T....I have a friend who's absolutely terrified of E.T. himself. XD

The Neverending Story was actually my favorite movie for a while. Now...I'm not sure. ^^;; I think I read the book at some point. Or is there one? This was quite a while ago (six/seven/eight).
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Apr 10, 2005 5:29 pm

Oo, I nearly forgot about that. E.T actually scared the bejeebers outta me (I reiterate, I was a very imaginative, very neurotic child). I wasn't freaked at the time that I saw the movie, but afterwards, I kept worrying that he was going to poke his head over the side of my bed in the dark; with those big beady eyes and long stretchy neck and the voooice....*shivers*

Maybe it's just me, but the dude was kinda freaky looking :eyebrow:
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sun Apr 10, 2005 7:56 pm

Neverending Story gave me nightmares... Then again, so did Big Bird... But, yeah, neverending story... The German movie with an american sequal, and then a crappy TV show and movie based on said crappy TV show... The original German movie was great...

Ewok movies... They used to play on "Disney Chanel" a LOT! Especially the first one... The second one was much more rare, as it was a good deal more violent... At least the first few minutes, anyhow...

Star Wars (we had taped "A New Hope" off HBO, and tried to tape Empire too, but the tape ran out and so we only had the first few minutes... By, say, age 6, I had seen "New Hope" like 50 times, but I had never seen Empire all the way through, and Return of the Jedi showed up about that time (someone came into the house who taped it off HBO) So, I saw New Hope and Return of the Jedi, but no Empire Strikes Back... I think I finally saw it once at my brother's house, who owned the entire set... Hehe, at the first showing of Return of the Jedi at my house, we had this woman living with us was was divorced and in her 50's, but she still wanted to get married again. Well, in the Jabba the Hut scene, someone called her out of her room, saying "Hey, come out here, we found the perfect man for you on this movie" She got all excited and rushed out of the room... Needless to say, she was a bit disappointed and very angry... Hahahahahahahaha!

Waterbabies... It was this brittish combonation liveaction and animation musical kids movie... It used to scare me too...

Back to the Future 3... I was never allowed to watch the first two... Which reminds me:

Raiders and Last Crusade, but not Temple of Doom... I was allowed to watch the first and third Indiana Jones movie, but not Temple of Doom... I guess that heart ripping scene was pretty freaky for a kid, but so was the guy getting his head chopped up by a propeller (albeit off camera) and that transformation at the end of Last Crusade... I think God's punishment on the Nazis in Raiders was likely the most violent scene in the movie... Meh... It may have to do with the fact that the Ark and the Grail are "Christian" wheras the stones were not...

Flight of the Navigator
The Boy Who Could Fly
Newsies (my mom about killed me when I accidentally taped over it...)
Some movie about a war dog... I forget what it was called
Not Quite Human
Not Quite Human 2
Still Not Quite Human (I was SOOO excited for that one because there was fighting in it!!)

I guess it is worth mentioning the "forbidden fruit" that I watched when I wasn't really allowed to:

Blue Lagoon
Top Gun
The Zelda TV show
Captain N (I wasn't allowed to watch it because of Mother Brain...)
My Mom almost banned me from watching The Super Mario Brothers show because they held a seance in an episode...

I had most of the Disney Masterpiece Cartoons... Actually, we had to wait for their final Theater releases before they were put on tape... I remember seeing Jungle Book in Theaters before it was released on Video... I'm not sure what else I saw in theaters before they released it on Tape... But, the full list of all the disney classics I watched was Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Bambi, Pinocchio, Sword in the Stone, Peter Pan, The Three Caballeros, dumbo, fantasia, Lady and the Tramp, Whinnie the Pooh, Robin Hood, Aristocats, Jungle Book, 101 Dalmations, Alice In Wonderland... I also saw all released after my birth with the exception of the Black Cauldron up until Emporer's New Groove... I think that was the last one I watched... No, wait, Lilo and Stitch... That's it...

Speaking of cartoons:

Land Before Time
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Small One
Secret of Nimh (my favorite work of American animation)
An American Tail


If this extends to TV shows, I didnt' watch much TV until I was like 10, because I watched videos and played games mostly... What I did watch up to that point was
Sesame Street
Electric Company
3, 2, 1 Contact
Mr. Rogers
Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers and Duck Tales (after they had been running for a while)
Tale Spin
Goof Troop
Darkwing Duck

After around Age 10, I started watching TV a lot... I got into TGIF then, so
Family Matters
Step By Step
Boy Meets World

that's about it... I didn't get into the simpsons until I was an adult. I wasn't allowed to watch it, actually... Man... That's a pretty long list, actually...

I got into Pokemon at age 13 but didn't see the show until a year or so later when it got released in the US... Man... I was 13 when I got into emulation... That's crazy... Also when I started to watch anime... That was so long ago... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby soul alive » Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:08 am

ET... *twitches violently* i was and still am terrified of ET. my family gets an absolute kick out of seeing me twich whenever watching the movie or even the movie in general is suggested. i think the part that freaked me out the most was when ET was all comatose and white... *shudders and twitches again*

i was a rather neurotic child as well, many things freaked me out, ET, Warf from Star Trek, Alf, the flying dog thing from Neverending Story, Ursula when she got big in Little Mermaid, the evil fog/dragon thing at the end of All Dogs Go to Heaven... the list goes on and on. lol

there were quite a few great movies and tv shows out when i was a kid. so many happy memories.


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Postby the_lizardqueen » Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:39 am

Yeah-ha! Neurotic children UNITE! :jump:

Why is it that people always seem to forget about that aspect of childhood? Big imaginations can be a good and bad thing, depending on whether the lights are on or not.
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:08 pm

THe one Nickolodeon TV show I wish was on DVD: You Can't Do That on TV.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:36 am

Whoo...major gravedig. But I wanted to start a thread like this anyways, so, why make a new one?

Lately, I've been reminiscing on the movie Ferngully, which I noticed was mentioned earlier in this thread. Glad to see I'm not the only one who was a fan of Batty (and yeah, it's good to be older so you can understand what he's saying...sometimes it's just like that. No clue what someone is saying when you're a kid and you find out when you're older). But yeah. I also remember watching stuff like Rock a Doodle, and all the old Disney movies too, one that stands out being Pete's Dragon (which we found on DVD, actually).

I also remember when laserdiscs came out; my brother and I had fun making Sid from Toy Story run in and out of the house backwards and forwards by turning the little dial on the machine both ways. XD Ah, what fond memories...and then you had to wait halfway during the movie for the disc to read the other side...and man, were those discs huge CDs or DVDs...

(And BTW, I happen to have a Batty avatar I found...I might start using it if I happen to be in the mood...and it was the only one they had for the Ferngully movies on Avatarmagic.)

Okay, my rant is over. I'll shut up...for now. :)

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Postby Danderson » Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:46 am

Funny, but alot of the mentioned memorable vids from back when were big on my childhood list......

Loved Pete's Dragon. I also loved the Land Before Time (first) movie, and really, really want to watch it again now that I'm old enough to really understand and appreciate it more.....

And believe it or not, I was a VERY BIG McGee and Me fan....Now that I look back, embarressingly so (I drew impressions of him and stuck them to all the doors in our house....I was truly obssessed....)Wouldn't mind having them bring it back.....

And who can forget VeggieTales.....Cheezy, but always finds a way to make me laugh, no matter how old I am.....
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Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:50 am

I watched a lot of Disney when I was a kid. The first VHS we ever got (before we even got a VCR to play it) was Snow White. My brother and I had a great time rewinding and fast-forwarding, too. We'd do it in the part where Snow White is singing and making pies, and the witch/queen comes to the house.

One of my favorite Disney movies was Aladdin and the King of Thieves. For some reason, we never got the first Aladdin movie, though I'd seen it before, but we had King of Thieves. I can still quote like half of the movie, and it's great now because I can actually understand more of the jokes. Some of my favorites are "Look, the crowd is parting - it's Moses!" "Brought to you by Sand - it's everywhere! Get used to it!" "Geronimo! Arapaho! Navajo! Pocahontas!" "You have trespassed on Aladdin and Jasmine's wedding. Prepare to be vaporized. Thank you."

Another staple of my childhood was Winnie the Pooh - both The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and the videos they made afterwards, the Playtime series. Looking back on it now, I realize that those movies were so much better than the stuff kids tend to watch nowadays. I mean, Winnie the Pooh teaches you so much about friendship and sharing and saying you're sorry and forgiving and.... It's just amazing all the good stuff that's in there, and when you're a kid you don't even realize it.

I was also a HUGE Star Wars fan from the age of 8 (when I first saw A New Hope) to when I was about 12 or so (when my interests turned more to Lord of the Rings and such). Those movies captured my imagination so much! I watched Episode I a ton, because that's my favorite episode, so now I know the entire thing back to front.

Another movie I rather liked as a kid was Air Bud, that movie about a dog who plays basketball. I've always loved dogs, and I just cried buckets in that movie. I can remember my mom calling me away from the movie for lunch just after the part where Buddy is taken away, and I was crying and sniffling all through lunch ^^'

As for Christian movies, I really liked the Last Chance Detective movies. I thought they were so dramatic and compelling and everything :grin: I've also loved VeggieTales for years, though I wish Larry was still textured like before. I'm looking forward to seeing the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything movie (especially 'cause Yuri Lowenthal is in it, of all people :dizzy: ). Another movie I really liked was this extremely obscure animated version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The music and voices for Aslan and the Witch are very good, better than any other version I've seen, and I love imitating the Witch :evil:

Ah, good memories.
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Postby Kairi » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:55 am

Well, I grew up on Disney movies and still watch them all the time. XD I love everything from Snow White to Enchanted, with the exception of those dumb sequels they keep chucking at us.

The Last Unicorn was probably THE movie of all movies for me, though, simply because it had a unicorn in it. (But the red bull scared the heck out of me, lol. XD Now I just think of an energy drink when I see him.) I also loved the original Land Before Time, Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest, and many others.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Feb 29, 2008 12:05 pm

Well I do remember once seeing a double feature of Flipper and Snow White And the Seven Dwarves.
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Postby MomoAdachi » Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:25 pm

My fave movies as a kid were:
*The Little Mermaid
*Beauty And The Beast
*Thumbelina(Don Bluth)
*Alice In Wonderland(Disney)-still my favorite!
*Anything w/Shirley Temple!
*The Sound Of Music
*The Baby-Sitters Club
*The Brady Bunch Movie
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:56 pm

Phew, I've got way, way, way too many to list. Though The Sound of Music was one of the big ones. Made a huge impact on me. The first time I saw it was when I was about five years old. I've seen it a thousand times since then.
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