Merge Sorting with STL
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:05 pm
Alright, I had this project to compare the time it takes to sort large ammounts of data using different sorting algorithms (selection, bubble, radix, etc). I, for the most part, got all the algorithms down... except for Merge sorting, which is weird because I've done it before with ease.
So, I'm wondering if someone can help me out here. The skeleton of the program is as follows...
Ok, all this is defined in the project specifications. Furthermore, the function mergeSort(void) is implemented (not allowed to change this).
yeah, real flippin hard function there.
Anyhow, I'll draw the attention back to the declaration of typedef ADT. In this example, I made it of the STL list type. However, the doccumentation says that this merge sort should work if ADT is changed to deque or vector.
I honestly have no clue how to go about writing these functions. Could someone give me some pointers?
Edit: Kewl, that post somehow broke the forum tables... --;
So, I'm wondering if someone can help me out here. The skeleton of the program is as follows...
- Code: Select all
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time>
using namespace std;
typedef int ItemType;
typedef list<ItemType> ADT; //short for Abstract Data Type
blah blah blah code here
class Sort
blah blah blah public functions here
void mergeSort(void);
ADT items;
void _merge(ADT::iterator first, ADT::iterator mid, ADT::iterator last);
void _mergeSort(ADT::iterator first, ADT::iterator last);
(insert more private members here)
Ok, all this is defined in the project specifications. Furthermore, the function mergeSort(void) is implemented (not allowed to change this).
- Code: Select all
void Sort::mergeSort(void);
_mergeSort(items.begin(), items.end());
yeah, real flippin hard function there.
Anyhow, I'll draw the attention back to the declaration of typedef ADT. In this example, I made it of the STL list type. However, the doccumentation says that this merge sort should work if ADT is changed to deque or vector.
I honestly have no clue how to go about writing these functions. Could someone give me some pointers?
Edit: Kewl, that post somehow broke the forum tables... --;