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ok... mup.sys REALLY frustrating...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:18 am
by Shia Kyosuka
I'm starting to wonder if I should even continue with computers at all.

Last night, I was trying to burn something to DVD, but kept getting a "unable to create structure" or something error.

Later, I tried to find DVD menu making software, so I could make a DVD without using Nero. THEN I couldn't find one, so I tried to make a file trick.

I'd make a dvd then burn it to the hd in a folder, then replace the small movie with the movie I had been trying all day to burn.

Then, when I did it, I started the dvd playing software to turn on the DVD menu (to test it out) and I got a blue screen error!


Then, it wouldn't even start back up. everytime it got past the consistency check, it would give me the blue screen INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR.

LATER, after messing with it, I took out my Sidewinder pro and it booted to windows.

After it was working, I noticed, Windows was acting REALLY weird. it wouldn't even go to desktop after I put in my password.

so, I rebooted it, and now it won't even go to the Windows XP loading screen. when I use safe mode, it stops at mup.sys.

I've been getting this problem on and off forEVER! I'd just do random things to make it work again, but THIS time, nothing works! I'm getting really tired of even dealing with this.....

If ANYBODY could just please, tell me a solution, that would be great. I'm so sick of computers right now...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:17 am
by Puritan
I can't give you a good solution to that problem specifically, but my recommendation at this point would be a fresh install of Windows. Reinstall Windows (as you can't seem to get into windows now), back up your files on a second hard drive, DVDs, or the like, and then reformat your hard drive and reinstall Windows. It might be a pain, but that usually takes care of problems like this that keep coming back.

Maybe someone else has a better idea, but that's the best advice I can give you right now. Good Luck!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:45 pm
by Shia Kyosuka

I used a USB trick to make it work.

many other times, I would take out my usb microsoft sidewinder control before I booted into windows. That didn't work at all.

So, this trick says to take it out after it freezes on mup.sys when you boot into safe mode. At first, it looked like this wasn't working, but after waiting about a minute, the hdd started running something. I let it run. Finally, it seemed to have come to a stop. Then, I reset it, and BAM. Windows let me in without any trouble at all. Not even that "I'll check your consistency" error that I've been getting forever! (that may be because I ran scandisk, thinking something was corrupted)


All is well.

The End...?