Mithrandir wrote:Tabs make CAA bearable for me. I have to read all these nasty threads, and being able to tab through them all is very usefull.
I wish I could take two choices though. Firefox AND safari.
Mithrandir wrote:Tabs make CAA bearable for me. I have to read all these nasty threads, and being able to tab through them all is very usefull.
I wish I could take two choices though. Firefox AND safari.
Kaligraphic wrote:slowly? Just check $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], and include a bit of a wait if it's IE. One line of code for that. (well, maybe four depending on your preferred brace style.)
anime4christ wrote:It doesn't always work cuz of browsers like Opera and things like that. Press F12 in Opera and have fun fooling those websites that check user agent.
<!--[if IE]>
* { display: none]-->
Kaligraphic wrote:Interestingly enough, Opera appends its name to the IE useragent string. Of course, it's easy enough to change to a supported useragent in Opera or Firefox.
But if you prefer, stick something like this in the stylesheet:
- Code: Select all
<!--[if IE]>
* { display: none]-->
Shatterheart wrote:I love the results of the poll so far. I am proud of you guys. Well, except those poor 2 souls using IE. Repent and see the error of your ways.
Mithrandir wrote:AH: That's one of the preference settings in Firefox, I believe.
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