I've been out of town for a three weeks and no one at home used my computer in that time. When I came back yesterday I managed to receive a large build-up of mail, yet when I tried to send some mail it refused to go through. I checked and my outgoing & ingoing mail server addresses seem to be correct, yet I can't send mail. Can anyone help me with any advice on how to fix this? Here's the error message (I removed the recipient's address). I'm putting off calling my ISP because I doubt they'd be any read help.
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was 'niks@nuthink.co.roc'. Subject 'Good Evening...', Account: 'pop.absamail.co.za', Server: 'smtp.absamail.co.za', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '553 Your computer does not have a hostname, you must AUTHenticate', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 553, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
Thank you very much...