Postby Zeth.exe » Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:07 am
Okay, about your first problem this is the easiest way to do it in iTunes, first select all of the tracks (by using Ctrl-click or Shift-click), then right-click on one of them and click "Get Info", on the bottom of the window that pops up there is an option that says "remember position" underneath it it should say "no" click it and change it to "yes" you can also use this method for videos and podcasts (podcasts default to "yes") note that if you are trying to do this to only one track after you click "Get Info" you will have to click the "Options" tab and then there will be a box you can click to set the track to remember the position. Now whenever you are playing one of those tracks and you pause it and start playing another track your first track will still be at the same position that you paused it at. About the second problem I don't think there is a way to move them to the "Audiobooks" section unless maybe you change some of the data in the track file so that iTunes thinks it's an audiobook or something like that.