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PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:29 am
by GeneD
I’ve been wondering about this for a while now and finally decided I might as well post something here.

Accountability… as in do any of you have some sort of system/arrangement, maybe with a group of friends or a church/spiritual leader to whom you are accountable about different aspects of your life? These can be anything from conduct in a romantic relationship, daily time spent with God or the really difficult one… going to the gym regularly. (:sweat:)

I suppose this thread stems from the fact that I’m human and I struggle to be faithful and I know having someone walking the journey with you makes it easier.

So, what’s your take on accountability and how do you implement it in your circumstances and daily life?

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 1:29 pm
by Neurotic
Accountability has two roads; personal and interpersonal. True, having another person to be accountable to is great - it keeps us from getting arrogant or drifting away from reality, but remember that God is the One we are most accountable to. After he slept with Baathsheba and murdered her husband, King David told God that He was the only one he had sinned against. I know it when I sin, and God knows it even more; my apologies and repentance should go to Him.
Interpersonal accountability is also a good thing, as far as I see it. I would find somebody that goes to your church and knows you really well - somebody you would be comfortable telling the truth to (what good is a partner in accountability if you can't confess where you are in need of support - and at any given moment?). The more broad version of this kind of responsibility is, I would think, baptism. Going into the water is declaring to the whole world and God HImself "Hey! I am now a Christian, and will stay that way!" If people catch you doing something that says otherwise, then they ought to hold you accountable, right?
Thanks for putting this thread up;it helped me organize my own thoughts on the matter.

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 4:05 pm
by Amzi Live
Yeah the problem is finding the right person to be accountable too.
As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
[quote="Neurotic (post: 1227438)"]Accountability has two roads]

Nice post Neurotic.I never got to welcome you did I?
Welcome to CAA dude!