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Postby ally-san » Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:06 pm

today i heard a message that was very enlightening. i hope everyone will read this because it was so true and powerful for our times right now. if u are struggling with homosexuality or your just curious about it, or your want to know how to go about treating homosexuals to witness then this is very important for u to read. a man came to teach on sexuality at my church and he told his whole life story. he talked about how he used to be a homosexual and the struggle he went through with it and how he is a christian today. i'm not going to go on about the whole story because you should read into it yourself, i'll probably just mess it up, but heres a brief synopsis:

when he was young his mom was an alchoholic and she cheated on her husband with another man. this man had access to him and molested him. this is how most of it started. the mother died in a car accident because she was drunk. his dad threw him off on another family because he wanted to sort things out so he had no male model to look up to and transferred that to a feeling of abandonment. he was rasied by strong women figures so it was engraved in him to have more feminine characteristics. he had no male model to look up to which was the cause of his homosexuality. every young boy needs to have a proper model. not having a proper bond will form w/in the person a false idea of what a bond is and he formed an unhealthy male to male bond. he thought that either he had to sleep with men or get abused by them and never learned to just have a normal bond. when you are young you are like wet concrete and anything that is embedded in you at a young age soon hardens and is hard to get rid of. in school he was teased and was called "gay" because of his mannerisms. he tried to conform and make himself more like a man by doing sports, etc. but nothing seemed to fit. everyone called him gay so that also led to him believing he was gay and eventually coming out of the closet. whenever you call someone gay next time, think about it cuz most people who are gay turn gay because you helped make them that and they believe it. he thought it was the only way he could live because of his mannerisms. anyway he went through the rest of his story about how he even was ready to have a sex change but how God intervined. the sad thing was that the church was also not a good influence. he explained how you cant be angry at others for treating you differently cuz they just dont understand. people always talk about how are people born gay, but its not the question. all of us are born with sin and its up to us to be ask God for redemption. being homosexual is just as bad as being a heterosexual who lusts after women, its all unclean desires. we shouldnt look at homosexuals like they are any different. we should treat them with love. just telling them 'its adam and eve not adam and steve' isnt going to instantly convert them. reach out. today homosexuality is pushing itself harder and harder into our community, especially w/ in the teenagers. this is so important to consider. make a difference and treat them with love and respect. i think mostly people just dont understand why they're gay and what to say to them. i hope that this will enlighten you as much as me and please look more into his minisrty. his website is www.syrogers.com you can get help if you have any questions and are struggling. your not alone. he went on to say how it is within us to have a desire and God doesnt take away the desire but readdresses the desire to what is right. it isnt an automatic change.
i know now how to treat homosexuals not just with love but with understanding and not to preach to them thats it's wrong cuz most of them know what the Bible says. its deeper than that. i hope this was meaningful to you and please check out his website. his testimony is really amazing and i dont have enough room to tell you the whole story. o yea he now has been a christian and has fought his homosexuality for 25 years and is married with a daughter. praise the Lord. all things are possible through Him. never doubt his unfailing love, he loves you for who you are and wants you to just give him your attention. he wont smack you down because of your sin but lift you up and redeem you and help you through your struggles.
in Christ,
"The only consolation I find in your immediate presence is your ultimate absence."

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."

Lord I give you my heart
I give you my soul
I live for you alone
Every breathe that I take
Every moment I'm awake
Lord have your way in me..
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Postby Ashley » Sun Dec 05, 2004 6:28 pm

While this story could serve some good purpose to those struggling with this, it was closed lest any viciousness break out.
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