Something Nice..

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Something Nice..

Postby Vash is a plant » Wed Aug 18, 2004 5:13 pm

For about the past two days it had felt as if all hope was gone. Life felt empty, hopeless, doomed to failure and a self-inflicted death, either now or later on in life. ...But... this afternoon, sitting there with everything draining out of me, I felt a small presence. I could barely feel it there, but I felt it holding my heart and the more I thought about, the more I dwelt on it, the more comforting it became. It felt like someone was there holding me.

While, to some this may not seem to be a big deal, but to me, it hold quite a bit of value and symbolism. See, the main character of the manga I one day hope to make, feels the same thing, someone there holding him, when he is saved. To have actually experienced the same thing, to me, is incredible and worth sharing.

May God always be there to hold you when you cry,
"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." -1 Corinthians 13:13 :thumb:
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Postby Zane » Wed Aug 18, 2004 11:36 pm

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Aug 21, 2004 7:29 pm

yah, well tomorrow is sunday. and maybe you'll go to church? so maybe that can fuel the flame in your heart some more
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Postby Swordguy » Sat Aug 21, 2004 7:51 pm

like it says in the bible he speaks thru a still small voice he is allways there waiting for us to listen.
I used to "Follow" Him because i had i would give everything to follow Him.

Me check it out!

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