Now, before I say anything, I know I have a history of being overly-dramatic, and living like everything was a movie, that it was all just for show. But today, it was real. It felt so real, it made me wonder why I had been living my life as a movie all these years!
I decided to stay home from church today, and do my own worship here at home. Well, it started off, sad to say, pretty uneventful. I wasn't getting into the spirit, I was being attacked from all sides by these demons of selfishness. I was actually telling myself to go draw or do something to entertain myself rather than do what I was going to do in the first place!
Eventually, I turned on some praise music, and in the song (I think it was Newsboys), the singer was quoting scripture. But, as I stood there and listened to it, it really touched my heart, and gave me this really weird feeling inside.
And so, I sat down and started to pray. I kept remembering when my dad had told me that He felt God one day, when he hadn't even been praising or anything. He said he had felt God's presence up near the ceiling, and it kind of shook me awake!
And then, all of a sudden, I turned around, and there He was! He was right behind me! But, He wasn't JUST behind me. I couldn't pinpoint where He was, like my dad had done, but I could feel Him, and He was everywhere!
Immediately, without even telling myself to, I started singing "Nearer, My God, To Thee". And after I was done, I started to scribble down everything I was feeling into my journal. And when I was done with that, I turned around, and He was gone! I mean, He was still in my heart, I could feel Him there, but He wasn't like, all around the room anymore. All of a sudden this feeling of guilt filled me, like I should have done or said something while He was here. Like, I should have started bowing or something, but I was so shocked that I had to write it down!
So now I'm here hoping that He'll show Himself again, and soon! It was really the most remarkable feeling, I can't explain it to make it feel to you as it did to me.
And I know, to some people, this may seem like a very likely story to make up, and I know I might feel that way if I read someone else's testimony that said this, but I'm telling you, whether you believe me or not, that it's true! He really was here!
Thanks, guys, for being here!