Fish and Chips wrote:Interesting read.
For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. I know it's popular in politics and the media to focus on Homosexuality as THE consumer sin of choice (dun-dun-dun), but no one mortal sin is any better or worse than the rest of them; a sin is a sin, and committing any one of them just as destructive as all those left to the side. I refuse to pass judgment on you, because to pass judgment would be to assume I took any sort of moral authority and/or supremacy over you in these matters, which not one member on this forum can claim (unless Jesus himself is secretly part of the modding staff). You seem to have a good grasp of your situation, where you stand and what you want, so I will leave it between you and God. Hope you can sort out everything with the Big Guy himself.
Although I might refrain from the Red Lobster comments, as the dietary laws of Moses were predominantly for health reasons I believe (although I may be wrong, I'm no expert. Double check with someone else). Still, there are probably "Better" sins to equate for your purposes than having fish for lunch; wrath comes to mind, thievery, unclean lips, etc. Just a tip.
Seleana wrote:I realized it was just a dietary law and thus sort of defunct (is that even the word I'm looking for ?!) ...which is why I picked it out. It's still there, and it's in the bible, so if we're taking it completely literary, then isn't it possible that the verses that people often use to make homosexuality into the deepest, darkest of sins are also out of date?
That probably sounded rather rude; forgive me! =(
Seleana wrote:The bible is NOT taken literally anymore, and it doesn’t need to be.
Seleana wrote:I realized it was just a dietary law and thus sort of defunct (is that even the word I'm looking for ?!) ...which is why I picked it out. It's still there, and it's in the bible, so if we're taking the Bible completely literary, then isn't it possible that the verses that people often use to make homosexuality into the deepest, darkest of sins are also out of date?
That probably sounded rather rude; forgive me! x.x; I just mean that, some things in the bible were more or less moral codes from a long time ago, like keeping slaves and such. Stuff like that is in the bible still, but we understand it to be wrong or unfitting for our socitey, so we don't do it. On the other hand, homosexuals still get some rather poor judements. What I'm asking is, is that right? Even if you don't believe that we should be allowed to marry or any of that-- I'm not asking political questions. Just, giving priority to one thing and ignoring another doesn't sit right with me.
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