Hello out there for all my fellow Christians!
While in DCCYC (Dallas Chinese Christian Youth Camp), I experienced something that deepened my bond with God.
Our speaker Steve taught us something very interesting and blew off everyone's typical idea of being a "good Christian"
Here are some definitions that might help a bit...
There are 7 types of Christians..
1. Dead-have not yet acknowledged Jesus Christ as God, Savior, and Lord
2. Dying-Christians who lives for their own desires and/or other but not for God.
3. Hurting(sick)-wounded Christians who will not move on to healing.
4. Breathing-a religious Christian: saying the right things but living the wrong way.
5.Healing-Christians who are moving from hurt to wholeness: a growing follower of Christ.
6. Living-A follower of Christ that is growing daily and influecing the world.
7. Dangerous-a follower of Christ that understand Jesus is the only one who matters and the Gospel if the only thing that matters: someone who is willing to take risks for Christ; abnormal; lover of God and others/culture; someone who loves outside of "comfort zones".
and here's something else important that I want to share with all of you..
Worhship(worth-ship)-Giving(sacrificing) to/for someone/something that we think are worthy
there are two differet ways of worshiping.
1. wholistic-worshiping all the time, never stop wanting to follow Christ, not even when with nonbelievers.
2. corporate-worshiping out of convenience, only in church or youth group, but stops at home or with nonbelievers.
Which type of Christian/worshipper are you?
I confess, I was a dead Christian, but now I've committed and moved on healing, instead of sitting at home, only worship in church and in Youth Group, I try to be dangerous, try to spread the Gospel to my nonbelieving friends and even people I don't fully know yet. it might be embarrasing at times, but I'm willing to look foolish for God.