Some Emotional Poety

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Some Emotional Poety

Postby Fangirl4God » Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:47 am

'Kay, so in the past few months, I've had the advice given to me to pour out my heart through poetry, and it's helped me a lot with a recent thing happening in my family. I've written lots of poems about my Pa, who was recently deceased, and really, this poetry has helped me feel a lot better about it! It gives us all something better to do, eh?
So, normally I'd be afraid to let anyone see these poems ('cause I'm just shy like that) but you all seem very nice so I think I'll post them here and see what you think. And if they're like too....I dunno...emoetry or sad, let me know and I'll see what I can do. I try to put emotion into them but sometimes go too far ^-^' I mean, it's not got anything bad, it's just kinda sad I guess. Oh well, here's some of 'em. I'm really just don' this to get opinions and let out some of those bottled up emotions!

Cancer Through A Grandchild's Eyes

"He's leaving," she said, "He's going away."
I couldn't believe this would be my Pa's lastday.

I got up from the porch swing and rushed inside just to see
My family around Pa's bed, giving sad looks to me.

They told me to tell him how I loved him so much
But my mouth coudln't even form the words. I was crushed.

I stood beside him, held his hand
Knowing well he was off to a much better land.

The eyes of my loved ones started dripping with tears.
Sobs filled the room. The crying still rings in my ears.

Hot tears streamed down my face uncontrollably fast.
As I knew that these few moments would be his last.

Unconsious family hugged me again and again
Through blurred tears I didn't know who they could have been

I felt so confused, everything was so strange.
Was this how death was meant to be arranged?

That day was a year, one so lonely and sad.
Never in my mind could I have imagined something so bad.

That was all from cancer, a word I now despise.
That was Pa's cancer from a grandchild's eyes.

For some reason, my family wanted me to read it at his funeral, so I did and lotsa people loved it, but I just think they were trying to make me feel better. It's only a poem written in a few minutes. Meh, here's the others.

Our Shining Star

Ever since you've left us, each day has been so long.
But we remember you and you remind us to be strong.

We miss you very much, we adore you from afar.
We look into the sky and you're a shining star.

Your suffering broke our hearts. Your death brough us to tears.
But we know we'll meet again even if that wait takes years

When we should get so lonely we can go outside and see
Our shining star up in the sky. The light shines so brightly

We shout to the sky "We love you! We wish you'd never leave"
We hear you whisper "I never left" We hear it in a cool night's breeze.

When we cry we want you here to wipe our tears away
Instead you simply smile at us. "Cheer up. In your hearts I'll stay."

We can see you in the sky and even on a cloudy night
You'll still be there, our shining star. The bright through black, until morning light.

Endless Nightmare

I still hear the crying, I still see the tears.
Still in my dreams I see our worst fears.

Our Pa lying there, so peaceful and still
The crying didn't stop; I think it never will.

The memories haunt me, they visit in my sleep
I try not to cry, but it strikes so deep.

I can still remember his face, cheerful and kind
Remembering being with him still frozen in my mind.

I dream about him, how his life had to end
He dreamt of the mountains, the wonders in the wind.

I shouldn't be worried, for he's in God's care
Though nothing seems to stop this endless nightmare.

Here's the last one if you wanna read it.

He's Here, He's Gone

It's strange how he's gone, yet he's still here
It's like he won't leave. He won't dissapear

Do I want him to go? Do I want him to stay?
I try and think this troubles me every day.

I can no longer focus on the things I usually can.
I can focus on almost nothing but my grandpa, that wonderful man.

He's here with me telling me to cheer up and move on
I try to look and see him, but every time I try, he's gone.

So tell me watcha think! Wow, that's a lot of words! XD Poetry can really help you through something that you're going through, and I recommend it to all if something's happening to you. It really can help you control your emotions when you're sad, happy, or anything!
[color="Purple"][/color][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Everything happens for a reason, and every reason brings you closer to a better and brighter future~[/font]

[font="Book Antiqua"]"[color="Red"]Love is patient, love is kind, love is not jealous, it does not boast, it does not become conceited, it does not behave dishonorably, it is not selfish, it does not become angry, it does not keep a record of wrongs, it does not rejoice at unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things[/color]."[/font]
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Postby Hiryu » Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:27 am

Your poetry is nicely composed. It shows what you feel inside. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.

What you're going through is the natural stages of mourning. Some people take longer than others.

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Postby Fangirl4God » Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:31 am

Hiryu (post: 1435860) wrote:Your poetry is nicely composed. It shows what you feel inside. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.

What you're going through is the natural stages of mourning. Some people take longer than others.


Thank you for saying that! I think you're right, some people take mourning longer than others. I wouldn't say that I'm fully over it yet, but I'm getting there ^-^ Thank you again~
[color="Purple"][/color][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Everything happens for a reason, and every reason brings you closer to a better and brighter future~[/font]

[font="Book Antiqua"]"[color="Red"]Love is patient, love is kind, love is not jealous, it does not boast, it does not become conceited, it does not behave dishonorably, it is not selfish, it does not become angry, it does not keep a record of wrongs, it does not rejoice at unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things[/color]."[/font]
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