The "art" in writing!

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The "art" in writing!

Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:34 am

Art, when you think of it, what comes to mind? Well for me, Art is like a story in it's own way. And it has many characters, each playing their own role.

Color is a character that many like to see, Like a camoflauged cameleon, he makes himself known. As he parades through the canvas using transportation all his own. Sometimes he will arrive on a paintbrush, or maybe a pencil made of wax. Sometimes he even goes digital and a mouse directs his path. He can be grey, or rainbowed, pink or blue. Whatever color he is is up to you!

Next up is Line. And her job is huge! She is the basis for every character you choose! She can be dotted or straight, wide or thin! Sometimes she can even slant herself on a whim! She can be a road, an outline or even a word. Nothing is to big for her, especially when she is bold!

Now introducing S p a c e, Form and Shape. Fraturnal triplets are they. Space is like the mapmaker in our art Story. And Form brings it all together! While Shape is like the baker in our little group! He makes the objects that fill our little world! Sometimes a square will come about, how bout a shoe? or a house?
Who knows what these three will create? It's up to you to imaginate!

Texture is up! And boy does she give our story such an interesting feel! She makes sure that objects look soft, hard, smooth or rough! Boy howdy she will never have enough! Why, if it weren't for texture your pillow could be way to rough!

Value makes her timing accurate! And boy what an effect can she create! She has an awesome power to make things stand out! With her minions Shade and Tint. She can make anything look real! Even a small peppermint!

So there you have it! our lovely cast! Together the can make a work of art a blast!

As I use these characters in my own "stories" I take time to consider them carefully. I want what I have to say come about in an attractive way! So next time you see a work of art. Please remember that the artist took all these characters to heart.

(yeah...really wierd! It was sort of a art lesson disguised as my love for art. I am thinking of drawing these "Art elements out"

(the art elements are sort of the basis that artists use when they do a work of art. they are of course Color, texture, line, form, space, shape, and value. There are also Art Principles that bring them together... (rythym, movement, balance, unity, emphasis, contrast, and pattern)

I think it would be fun to do this!! ^_^ I better get cracking 14 characters!
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