I have original story plot bunnies frolicking around my head.
*Goes to get rifle so she can go a' hunting and make hassenfeffer*
Nah... *Pets the bunnies*
These may eventually become stories of mine, or they may not. I've already got some original things I'm working on. Probably most of the random ideas I get never get written. Tell me if you think these things deserve to be written... and anybody besides me who wants to write them... I guess go ahead, but talk to me first?
Random Plot Bunnies ~~~~
First Plot Bunny:
I think it might be neat, someday... to write a story about a world with non-lethal wars. This idea was inspired by watching news coverage of the war in Iraq and such, and thinking about advancements in military technology. Yes, wars today are still VERY lethal. Yes, as much as the U.S. militar *tries* to avoid it, there is still collateral damage from mis-dropped bombs and such, but still, technology is striving to create smarter bombs, and such weapons to pinpoint targets such as enemy bases and weapons stores to take them out with minimal loss of life. The cops, these days, also try to use things like rubber bullets and beanbags in order to disable suspects without killing them.
I'm thinking, sometime in the future... or possibly on some other planet, what if the tech is so advanced that the nations hold non-lethal wars whereby they only destroy each others' capablities to create things that damage? What if, in this world, the taking of any life, even in war, is thought of as ghastly criminal? What if there was a young soldier fighting in such a war who accidently killed an enemy? A story could follow his journey and delve into his mind as he searches for redemption and meaning...
Second Plot Bunny:
What if, there was a planet where one race had to hunt another race to survive? What if there was one race that was completely dependant upon survival by eating the flesh of the other? (Much like how the Native Americans of the Great Plains in days of old were depedant upon the buffalo). However, the creatures this race hunts are no mere animals, but are sientient beings who defend themselves? This planet is in continual war, with one race of hunters and one race of hunted, dependant upon one another for survival, in a strange parody of nature? I got this idea while watching "Invader ZIM", strangely enough. The teacher was going to show the class a video about how to skin a moose and ZIM spoke up with a comment about hunting - something along the lines of "Does the moose have a rifle?" and not thinking that it's fair that people hunt deer but the deer can't shoot back. In this plot idea, the hunter race is hunting prey that can and does shoot back.
Third Plot Bunny:
A girl becomes involved in sleep experiments because she wishes to escape the world. The experiments involve her being put into deep sleep for dream studies... only, she finds, that when she is awake, the lines between dream and reality become more and more blurred.
Alright, those are the random plot bunnies currently hopping around my head. Tell me if any of them deserve to be written... or deserve to be hassenfeffer.