Time of No Fears

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Time of No Fears

Postby LostChild » Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:07 pm

A poem written in the Itailian Sonnet form. (10 syllables per line, abba abba cdcdee rhyme pattern, alliteration, metaphors, first 8 lines a question/ problem, next 6 lines question/ problem answered). It was my homework for today, and I wanted to know what ya'll think. If it stinks, that's okay too. :sweat:

Darkness sucks me into its arms tonight
Warm blankets wrap around me, quick tears stream
Down my face. Hearing yells I try to scream
Guardians locked in a desperate fight.
With nowhere to run, no one to hold tight,
I want to find a comforts space, a dream.
Surprisingly neither at me will ream.
Bags are calling me, ready to take flight.
His truck drives off, making all fall silent.
She closes the front door, showing it locked.
Morning shall show if anything was bent
I won’t run from fears; I will stay docked.
One day, none of this will I need to hear
One day, at home, I will live without fear.
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Postby LostChild » Fri Dec 30, 2005 1:53 pm

It's that bad, huh?
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