City of Gold; Her Legacy - Glory Diminishes to Despair

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City of Gold; Her Legacy - Glory Diminishes to Despair

Postby Hitokiri » Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:19 pm

As some know I have a thread that holds all my writings. This however it set apart from it. I am currently writing a 16 lyrical pieices chronicling the City of Gold. A story I created while writing a piece a few days ago. You can also find this in the Writing section of the demon Hunter forum. This piece basically sums up the entire epic but I wanted to expand and write the entire story of it's glory, it's downfall, and then it's hope.

Note: These writings are not "Christian" per say. Even though, the mention of "gods" and "goddess" can either mean the pagan gods and goddess or a metapherical way of explaining something.

This is what started it all.

"In the Spring Rain of Days Long Past with You"

They purged the praises from thier lips.
They brought fire to punish the high courts.
Hordes issued from deep within the shadowy fortress's.
Black spires; pierced the sky.
Casted thier menace of the city of gold; hope of men.

Great was the city of gold.
Full of mirth, joy, and song.
Bu tnow the fountains cease.
The children cry is dismay.
And only laments in whisper can be heard.

Issued forth were the batalions.
The defenses fled.
As the tormentors of flesh skined them alive.

Fire spewed from thier mouths.
Death pierce from thier eyes.
They brought destruction whereever they went

Lo, the golden city was destroyed.
No hope was there for the brave soldiers; they laid dead.
Raped were the maidens and slain were the children
Raped was the city of gold.
Raped was the city of gold.

Lust of battle was in thier eyes!

In days past, my love, we sat in the rain.
When joy still dwelt in the walls of gold.
Laughing in the spring rain.
Dancing in the fields; silver rain drops.
Issued forth from the gate of clouds.

But now black rain envelopes the city of gold.
Rust and rot, decay and dust.
A city of decay.
The towers strained with blood.
Walls fell in ruin.
And there the enemy sits on thier plunder.
Satisfied for a time.

I will post the first 3 sometime later.
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Postby Hitokiri » Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:30 pm

These are the first 3 chapters which tell of the glory of the city of Gold, the South, and the Festival of the Spring on Earth.

"Chapter I: And So She Weaved a Story in the Strands of Time"

Long ago was the city of gold.
The city of gods; adorned in jewels.
The fountains of silver played in the sun lite afternoon.
Warding of the black rain and smoke.
That rose from the South.

In arms; they won vistory renown.
Cold steel rang on the field.
And the men sang for war was in thier hearts.
The songs they sang were fair and fell.
Bringing despair into their enemies.

Mighty were thier arms; the city of gold.
Noble was it's kings; pure was it's maidens.
Children danced in the streets to beutiful music.
Lesser men honored them as gods.
And paid tribute offerings.

Great was the city of gold.
In the days of it's splendor.

"Chapter II: As the Scriptures Fortold: The South Lays in Shadows"

Ash and Smoke lies in the South.
An great burning on the horizon.
Choking out the sun and breeze.
A dreary mire. A sunless morning.
The sun is hidden and moon is deadly pale.
Who can say Who labors in the South.
Conjuring untold evils; demons and the undead.
March in it's footsteps.
The earth groans and skies rain fire.
In the lands of the South will rise.

"Chapter: III The Festival of the Spring on Earth"

Unveiled were the flowers of mirth and joy.
The dawn was welcomed in the singing of praises.
Great was the song; for it shook the foundations of the city of gold.
Rain fell on the city bringing forth life long slept during winter.
The king put forth his radiance; god of the sun of Earth did he become.
All who saw casted thier eyes away.
They sung a song of regenerations and of warmth.

The birds of spring sang heavenly songs; welcoming the song.
All the creatures put forth thier voices in harmony.
The people of the city of gold bore a single yellow flower.
With hands raised; offered it to the goddess of spring.
With her hand she graced the earth and lulled it from it's slumber.
The goddess of winter fell asleep until the time she awakes.

Thus it was said that this marked the day of the new year.
Fifteen thousands years since the city of gold.
Was set on it's foundations; a banner for the free and good.
Lest the Earth break; it's foundations will never be rooted.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:31 pm

good stuff there! Keep it up
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Postby Hitokiri » Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:20 pm

"Chapter IV: Wither is the Blossom"

The sun shone in all it's glory.
Casting away the night and bringing forth Her light.
Mistress of Light; Keeper of the Flame that Illuminates
With her radiance, all that slept springs to life.

We watched the flowers waken from the dust.
We sang songs of rejuvination to the Earth.

She marches in the heavenly airs.
However, her grace is masked.
Her glory is shielded.
The Moon, in greed, casted himself in front.
Always in her shadow; always forgotten.

The flowers that bloomed wilted and died.
The fountains with crystal water was darkened.
A shadow of the Moon was casted on the city of gold.
And Spring faded in it's darkness and the Sun was vield.

Thence did the South set forth great clouds of poison.
In the heavenly airs; dulling the Sun's glory to a pale light.
A mockery of what she once was.
People despaired in the darkness and ran wild in the streets.
Thier eyesight dimmed and the shadow that descended.
Clouded there minds and drove them mad.
The doom of Men ride on these clouds.
These clouds of storm, poison, decay, and death.

"Chapter V: The Siege of the City of Gold and Waining of the Race of Men"

Dark was the day of the Festival of the Spring on Earth.
Casting shadow and death on the city of gold.
The people, who welcomed the sun, ran and hid.
From the Moons' shadow.

Thus the legions of the Unholy South
Descend on the city of gold.
Crashing like a storm
They casted deadly bolts on it's walls.
The once dreaded knights of the Golden Hall fled.

Winged beasts bred from fire; wrecking havoc.
Giant Creatures made of rock; crashing the wall.
Engines of War; destroying the graceful.
Thus did the Necromancers; pieced together by dead flesh.
Casted unholy spells on the people.
Driving them mad and slaying themselves with thier swords.

Great and unseen was the fall of the city of gold.
The South scattered it's people and descended.
Like carrion fowl.
The siege continued day and night.
Killing and slaying those who ran in fear.
Like deer in a hopeless hunt.
Some casted themsleves from the walls.
Into a great burning reek.

Great was the fall of the city of gold.
And of men who are named Children of the gods.

"Chapter VI: The Seer said that "All Good Things Come to Past; None can Forsee It's Fall""

Days and days the battle raged.
Valiant men, deemed worthy above hundreds of men.
Fell to the South's power like straw.
Great were thier fall.
And with it the Race of Men.
Perfect; held higher then other men.
For they descended from the gods.

A reek poured from the city of gold.
And the enemy sat on the treasure.
Burning alive it's victims.
Raping the maidens.
Torturing the children.

All hope fied for man kind.
And so they said:
"We shall die. Die in a blaze of fire."
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