Candle in the Dark (Chapter 7 + 8)

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Candle in the Dark (Chapter 7 + 8)

Postby Master Kenzo » Thu Jun 12, 2003 1:26 pm

Chapter 7

Now, if it had been any one of those things, this would have amounted to nothing. But once it became 3 consecutive things, we (the FBI) had to find the answer.

Now my boss is pretty picky with explanations. If I had come right out and said God did this, I would have been fired on the spot. So my partner and I decided to investigate.

First, we walked to 666 Young Street at midnight, and saw the building missing the window, the gun sprayed on the ground, the flattened tree, and the singed carpet. We did some checking and found that this was indeed all true.

We examined the ball and found that indeed, Jason had thrown it up there.
“How could he throw it that high?â€
I'm back to make a post or two every couple years...
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Master Kenzo
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