Alone in the Night

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Alone in the Night

Postby LostChild » Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:36 pm

For Brit. Lit. we were supposed to write an Anglo-Saxon-ish poem using events from our own lives.

Alone in the Night

___To my dearest love Jade,

___A red-faced monster terrorizing the night
___With all my might I couldn’t stop the monster forthcoming.
5__Always following close in the shadows
___Yelping, screaming, scolding, ranting with rage
___Silently I take and give words lashed out in hatred.
___Serious sorrow fills the spot
___With tears mournfully crawling down my face,
10_I start screaming from these tears.
___The cold night welcomes me with open arms.
___How lovely the dim stars look against the dark sky,
___How lovely the dew on the grass.
___Even here, with glowing red eyes the monster looks,
15_Looking for unsuspecting prey.
___Always watching, always waiting
___Rearing its ugly head on occasion
___Who’s there to trust and bring comfort?
___The moon waxes and shines down upon me from a cloud riddled sky.
20_There must be someone somewhere looking at the same brilliant moon;
___The same smiling stars. I continually gaze staring upon their twinkling beauty.
___Having decided to stay and endure what’s to come,
___Hindering all those around.
___Not listening, not talking,
25_Not obeying, not helping.
___I would rather be the ignorant fool, who knows not why she suffers,
___Than the omniscient one who tries to change the future.
___My Jade, I lay here writing to you between your leather-bound cover,
___Accepting these things yelled at me.
30_Though sadness seeps through, I won’t leave my home again.
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Postby xCAFx » Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:26 pm

Gotta give you props for that. I like it alot! :thumb:
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