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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:22 am

We live in a very selfish materialistic world today. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to observe this just by taking a look around at the state our world is in today. It’s quite sad, really. Especially since I was one of them. You see, I was lying awake one night, insomniac as ever, when the Lord spoke to my heart. At that time, I had been living for myself my whole life. Yes, I was destined to be a success. Actually, I still am. I have big goals and dreams, you see, and I intend to accomplish each and every one of them. The difference back then was that it was all about me. Didn’t matter what it took to get there. I was going to be the epitome of perfection. And you better not dare get in my way or else. That includes you, God. That was my line of thinking back then….

Yes, I watched as my journey to be successful continued uphill; each and every day I continued to get better and better at what I sought out to do. I’m going to go full force. But… I was miserable. The pain on the inside was in direct contrast to what I faked very well on the outside. Truly, if you knew me in real life and I were to tell you my deepest inner turmoil, you probably wouldn’t believe me. That’s how good of an actor I am. I was a pretender on the highest level, and I was so good at what I did that you would never know. The real misery inside me however nearly ripped me apart…. It became so bad that I even began to throw my own goals for success in the garbage. I just…. Didn’t care for them anymore. That’s how down I really was.

But as I was lying awake that night…. I realized that I was in direct violation of every natural law our Maker had set in existence. You see, God has these natural laws in place for our benefit and happiness. If we walk in them, we will have true inner peace and happiness. Walk against them, and you will fall. Even if you became successful on the level of Bill Gates, you would still die a very miserable person. Jesus wasn’t kidding when he said “Love your neighbor as yourselfâ€
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Postby qingwa » Sun Aug 21, 2005 6:27 pm

I really like this. :-)
I'm grumpy. Go away. :comp:
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Postby Megan86 » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:22 pm

That was SO good, and really sweet. :)
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:27 pm

Amazing, so eloquent and heartfelt ^_^
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