The Clan! (yet another EGH spin off story)

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The Clan! (yet another EGH spin off story)

Postby faithfighter » Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:41 pm

part 1.

Flay Kamakazi a young 15 yr old girl w/ shrt red hair and bright green eyes, looked down at the target, it was less the half a mile away, and could be clearly seen from the tall hill she now stood on. Unforcinatly the massive StoneSnakes could also be clearly seen. She turned to her company. "alright troop, there are 50 Stone snakes between us and stone valley..." she began but was most rudly interupted...

"ooo Stone Snakes! How fun. ya know they just love to eat human hearts...and suck the fluid from human brains." Said Athren Levin, the annoying 18 yr old Banglish shapshifter, his black hair fell over the left side of his face covering one of his stunning brown eyes. He would be quite hansom if not for his personallity.

Cloe, the youngest member of thier teen looked terrified and asked in a shacky voice "do they...really?" she was terribling and her pointed ears twitched in the weird way they do when she is scarried. her purple eyes fixed on Athren waiting nervously for his answer. She was by far the most skidish of any meber and young being only 13.

Marc the most mature meber quickly interupted w/ his intence glare from his deep blue eyes. "Athren, stop it...your scarrying Cloe."

"oh those Stone snacks are nothing to worry about" Athren said, a look of hopful unsurity came over her silver skinned face, and Athren continued "they are nothing compared to the other monsters that await us at Stone Valley."

Cloe exploded into fits of whimpering and begain to cry "I want to go home...I never wanted to come never! I want to go come" she sobbed.

In frustration Marc run his fingers through his long silver hair...and growled "Athren..."

Ouwan who up to now had been perfectly qiut stepped in and put his arm round Cloe "Its ok Cloe...there is nothing to worry about not when good old reliable....Marc is here." he said.
Cloe looked up at Ouwan,he never had been a seriouse charator and was very laid back. but even though he was 16 and there was quit an age difference she had always had a crush on Ouwan and relied on him as her closest friend. she looked up into his green eyes, and at his light brown hair...she felt some how calmer with him there...

Flay shock her head in frustion "are we the only comited ones here Elm?" she asked her hansom boyfriend, he had green scales and yellow eyes, but dispite his apearence he was as human as her...
2 B continued.....
[color="Green"][font="Verdana"]There is no one you can't love once you know their story-Mary Lou Lawnacki[/font][/color]
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