Postby starwarsboy90 » Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:03 pm
Interpretation is always the key. Warrior For Jesus as usual, has never dulged deeper then needed ( especially in theology. The series main message is Redemption and however evil a person is, they can be redeemed, except for the Demon. However, since W4J hasn't read up to the new chapters, he wouldn't know or understand. You however Kawaaikneko are spirited at least. I don't believe in Denominations, I'm a Pilgrim and keep my spiritual walk holy and straight. God directs me in most everything I do.
The Spiritual battling is different. There are so many planes of existance and dimesions. While in one, you see a physical battle, in another, you actually see the real battle, in the spiritual realm where Angels and Demons tread, a realm that we cannot see. This series also focuses on that realm. Since you haven't read the series, you wouldn't know or understand most of what I'm talking about.
Sure, it might be uncomfortable to you, becuase you are use to comformity and use to one mind's stake on reality. Which of course is what plagues most churches. As I said, this series is for believers as well. It's true that we are writing human works. If God leads you to write, you will write and not care. Do not judge a Series by only a few Episodes if you haven't read all of them. There are more then just one message, and if you do not go deeper into your spiritual walk, then Satan robs you of a more fulfilled life serving God.
Warrior for Jesus, you are right about keeping in context, which this series has stayed in, so don't judge it if you've only looked at one thing, when there are countless messages and theological messages within. Use your keen senses, Brother. I do try my best to keep it in context, after all, it is a ministry. I will continue to do my best to keep in context. Comments from you and other people also help me keep it from crossing the line. So, thank you for your support and comments people. May God Bless you guys. But really, you should read more, the story, especially the Demon's Redemption doesn't really become redemption by the way (Episodes 28-30)