Baka Baka Otaku

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Baka Baka Otaku

Postby Shia Kyosuka » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:57 pm

Here's something I thought up not too long ago. I wanted to create an anime that's really crazy kinda like Fooly Cooly. Of course, Fooly Cooly was genius, so I've got alot of work to do.

Yeshumi stood still in an empty park waiting for something or someone that he didn't quite know of. "This place reminds me of place that I haven't been to." He said with a great amount of enthusiasm "That has a person I've never met, singing a song that I've never heard of, on a hill that I'll probably never see, following a word I've never spoken..... and a song I've never heard of". He spun around in a few circles in utter delight. "Oh wow... I'm so smart!" He thought to himself.

5 hours

He was still spinning around and never got tired. He finally went home to watch the animes that he collected on DVD. He popped in one of them and started watching. Suddenly, these was a knock on the door. "hello hello hello!" He heard from inside. The knocking became frantic. He paused the DVD and went to answer the door. When he opened the door, nobody was there. Again he heard a knock. This time it was on the back door. He answered and nobody was there. There was another knock. This time, it was on the second story window. He ran up the steps to se who it was. Nobody was there. Another knock was heard. He looked all around the house to see who it was. Finally he looked at the phone. It seemed like that was where it was coming from. "what?" He screamed as his jaw dropped. He picked it up and nobody was there. Another knock was heard. It was coming from the television. Yeshumi's eye twitched. "Hey it's official! I'm a loony... smart dude..." he thought to himself. There was a voice from behind the television screen. "I'd be invading your privacy if I let myself in." The person projected "but, excersizing my freedom as an indivisual human being I'm coming in anyway.". The person entered, but not from the television, but through the front door. Her head spun around twice. "oooh OOOOH! watcha watchin'?!" She asked. "Uh... Shadow Crisis" He answered. "Oh yes!!" She Laughed "I like tomatos too!". Her body disappeared in front of him. There was another knock at the door. He answered promptly, closed his eyes, and yelled "WWHHAAAAAAT?!". This time it was a girlscout. She answered in a terrified voice "umm.... cookies....?". He closed one eye, made a really agitated expression, and crashed his head against a wall a few times. "Suuure.... How... MUCH are THEEY?!?!" he screamed. "uhh... umm... uhh.... 6 dollars a box" she answered. "Six dollars?! Six Dollars?!?! SSIIIIIX DOLLARSSS?!?!" He powered will stomping his feet and pulling his hair "fine.".

This is all I'm gonna post right now. Not proofread yet. heh...
had enough.
Shia Kyosuka
Posts: 604
Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:23 pm

Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:46 pm

Some spelling errors, great level of crazyness = B+
(nice to see my quote being used) lol
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Warrior 4 Jesus
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