my own attempt at writing

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my own attempt at writing

Postby purplemoose » Fri Sep 26, 2003 7:09 pm

Book No. 1: The Closet

"we're finally here!" hollered Josh as he struggled to get out of the car to stretch after a long car ride. Howard, Josh's younger brother said tiredly "I'm hungry" Josh's mother replied with a soft and gentle voice "we'll eat after we get a good hours work put in".Howard gave her that aww mom moan while his brother started taking out stuff from the U-haul. Like two oak chairs that went to the kitchen table while he could see the rest of the chairs in the back with the table. setting everything on the ground until he found the thing he wanted to get set up first HIS COMPUTER. finally dug through to his computer table and went inside to set that up and then his computer sacnner printer fax (not rely all of this was actually his just put in his room but there was a family computer)and so on..... Then he got online to find none of his friends online he tried some of his favorite sites but they were all down. 'All well' he thought 'must be a cuinsidence' so he tried the t.v bad reception on all the channels now he was just annoyed and a little suspicious."dinnertime!" his mom chimed gleefully "chilicheese dogs finally something good has happened to me since we've arrived " he thought hapilly. after dinner he read some of a book he was reading for his old school and it drives him crazy when he can't finsh a book so he finshed it and went to bed. That night he awoke to a bright light coming from his closet he went to go turn it off when the light engulfed all around him and more than doubled its light the next thing he knew he was falling through clouds and could see wilderness below he tried to cry for help but his voice was caught in his throught and forced back down axcept for one liitle ounce excaped and a *squeak* easily slipped through his mouth wide in amasement . "keraaaaaagh" he heard a loud screech a few feet away he jerked instead of jumping and the willies ran up his spine. This feather less birdlike thing scooped him up out of the sky. "his first thoughts were a leather feeling bird were the hell am i!".he was then on the ground before he could even think of any thing else. he looked back at the 'leather bird' it was a pterdoctyl about doubled his size terrified with fear thinking he may be this things meal. As it got closer he was scared stiff he started to back up slowly but kept getting closer and closer he fell back on his butt and picked up a sticked waving it in the beasts face saying as loudly as he can "back you!....Back!" his voice trembled with fear. Then a voice came out of nowhere and said sternley "Nargy ease back after all he you scare half to death.
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Postby purplemoose » Fri Sep 26, 2003 7:10 pm

please tell me what you guys and gals think its my first attemp at a manga storyline
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