Isolated Cavern

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Isolated Cavern

Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Apr 03, 2005 7:27 pm

Isolated Cavern

Leading myself outside the two doors of freedom
Leading into the brightness of a frigid winter afternoon
Brushing off my foul navy blazer
And my tie clamping my neck apart
I rummaged my shoe into the remanents of a days snowfall
and I formed a perfect cavern of powder
like a rabbit's hole, who only popped out his head
to see what was out in the light.
A sudden feeling of isolation engulfed me
An odd feeling that I remembered
Like a walk inside a busy city street
that was mysteriously deserted
I imagined myself as that little critter,
chittering it's teeth, plucking it's hair
Scampering its way back into it's hole,
away from this metro area.
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Mr. SmartyPants
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