I finally decided to post some of my stuff here, the rest is at http://www.xanga.com/RedemptionUndeserved
Running from a hell
I do not weep
Trying not to fall
I cannot keep
this up.
All of my prolbems
Drive me away
Standing up to them
I can only stay
In the state I am
My heart like a gate
A breaking dam
In this world of hate.
Split in two
I will not go down
Embrace one
And slow the other
My heart will not dither
Nor break apart
[i][i][/i][/i]Face for a Convalescent Heart
(Done by myself and a very close person to me ^_^;;)
You smile
and something in me
makes me smile too
You laugh
and something about it
has me laughing too
There's something
something about you
that's got me thinking...
that's got me feeling
like when I used to feel my heart
Your eyes
they've have got mine
locked onto your gaze
Your voice
has me entranced
luring me to sing
There's something
something about you
that's got me thinking
I might want more
more than I was looking for
You laugh
and your eyes dance
and my heart is caught
Your eyes the hook
Your laugh the line
The way you catch my breath
And pull me up everytime
There's something
something in the words you say
that's got me feeling
feeling like you might just be for me
No Backing Down
What is courage?
Who's to say?
Why one will stand
Why one won't run away
Disillusioned Soul?
Why he won't jump down
That despairing soul
Make his fears know
Let the dreary one show
Why does he go on?
Why won't he let go?
For what will he gain?
For what will he hold?
With death on the line
When none will be fine
Still he stands
Still he fights
Still stern in the face
He will not turn
He will not run
With all his honor
He shall not turn away
Divine Revelationthat you lifted me up, despite it all
Looking back on my scars
Those wounds from old wars
That I thought would never heal
That I believed would always reel
My Life to a halt
To need a divine jumpstart
And ask all over again
For your word in my heart.
And just when I thought
The ground would break my fall
Somehow I felt naught
Angel wings sprouted
You answered my call
Words could not express
Nor poetry touch you enough
To show my appreciation
For this loving invitation
This no holds salvation
Yet despite my faults
Despite my shame
Despite my sins
Despite my gain
And still the blame
Was always a sign
So you've spread your arms
And declared, "You're mine"
The future holds the presentSo don't peak, you'll ruin the surprise
Cold feet in the sand
A brisk morning air
Never a taste that ever goes bland
Water trickles over my toes
With it against them so bare
And a chill wind so calmly blows
Cloud-covered sky
And bright hiding sun
What are your secrets?
What will you tell?
How do you qualm my spirit
And sing a requiem for my heart
That makes me reflect
Upon far brighter days
When the sky's hid nothing
And bright sun wasn't hiding
Where the beach sand was drying
And from our sun shining
I don't long for the days
Of bright happiness
But rather live for the moment
And not by the stars
What good would it be
If told what is far
Past Present Future
Sockets of Time
Echo through hearts
Like motions of mime
But the past was once present
And the future will come
So live for the present
The here
And the now
Purpose: Divine or Temporal?
Stealing the time
Stealing the life
From one unfulfilled
Of my lack of
Just stuck in my head
Like I want to stick to my bed
And just run away
To another day
And finally realize a
speak the truth?
Give mentle amuse?
Act like a fool?
Simply praise God's name?
Hold my head up with shame?
Despite the lame
Hand and heart
To see his Holy Art
Created in you, created in me
Created to serve Him eternally.
A few more than expected... but please tell me what you think, I love feedback (whether positive or constructive)