And when I say "in trial", I mean in the midst of an online fight. (in the CAA Chatroom on AIM) God can teach and use people online, too! ^_^
I posted this on the Beloved Disciple Bible Study Thread, but I decided to post it here also to get some feedback.
Verse I:
There is so much sadness every day
That my lonely eyes should see
Though the wind should blow
White ash away
Still this sin
It burdens me
Give me peace that passes understanding
Strength to rise above my pain
Fill me with Your love abounding
May I feel Your touch again
Verse II:
The world, it is so lonesome, weary
Will it stop to lick its wounds?
Yet this blood
It’s ever pouring
Turn me inside out
Verse III (or maybe the does switch to a different chord progression):
Fight to live
And live to fight
Will we ever learn to love?
Voices calling in the night
Rising to the One above
Verse IV (or III):
And as I write
You ease my pain
My sorrow washed away by rain
You wipe my tears with one big hand
A grace I’ll never understand