Earth's Changes (Another poem)

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Earth's Changes (Another poem)

Postby DuelShocker3 » Thu Jul 31, 2003 9:48 am

A cautious wind,
Blowing darkness to the world.
Colors of one begin to fade,
As the ground is covered with brown.
Chlorophyll is sucked out of existence,
Until another year.
A new, crinkling blanket of gold,
and brown,
is re-covered by a soft powder.
Winds from the north blow harsh
And cold.
As flakes of white drop from above
Light is hidden
As cold darkness is all we mostly see
A robin sings a welcome song
Sitting in a puddle of melted ice
Day by day
The harsh, cold, blanket begins to fold.
The sun is perched on a ladder,
And climbs higher and higher into the unknown sky.
The cold washes away,
To return yet another day,
Warmth and light fills the air,
As the tall and proud stand in all.
During the shivering cold,
They protect the furry creatures,
Who seek food,
and protection.
When the temperature rises,
The leaders are rewarded.
Their strong arms begin to cover,
With small flowers,
To make them stand out.
They give birth to thousands of green leaves,
Filled with all they need.
As the world becomes brighter,
Activity arises,
All are given the breath of life.
As they come into the world.
Fairly soon,
The blanket that brought cold is here no longer.
Now a new blanket of soft green takes its place.
The sun is now at its peak,
Sending rays of heat upon the Earth.
Children from all over are released from misery,
And the tall leaders now have full grown
Thunderstorms rage,
Far into the night,
Taking the unbearable heat with it.
But only during this time
Or else they will be hard to find
That watermelon is ripe,
Strawberries are fresh,
And small berries are found in every bush you see.
But to get some,
You must hurry.
For when the cold returns,
In the month that all children dread,
No more will be around.
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