So I'm in this creative writing class and my teacher is really testing me. Our second assignment was to write a snake poem because, "all good poets have at least one poem about a snake." I guess I decided to tackle the idea of a snake from a standpoint of Biblical symbolism. Anyways, a lot of things could be explained about it but the bottom line is that I was told to re-write the poem without all the abstract elements.
Now, I have never claimed to be a poet. I'm not particularly fond of writing poetry. That's why I could use some help with this. I can't stop being abstract with this assignment.
Here it is:
Darkest hours in gardens
corruption is the fruit so sweet
that turns our eyes from glory
and the song of curiosity
pours through glittering scales
of irresistible beauty
coiled in waiting
a deadly embrace
all around the bark of a tree
and eyes that linger and call to you
how subtle is seduction
that leads us to our downfall
in light of grace
a kind of redemption is born
and scales that dragged
man through the flame
now line the way to healing
when embracing a blessed rod
curious and hopeful eyes
fall upon the winding, serpent form
that is the mercy of God
Therein is the duality
that is all our own
we who are lowly now can rise up
if only we could embrace the blessing
to build or destroy
to harm or to heal
and life makes snakes of us all.
I wrote it at work but the idea is that there are two pictures we are given about snakes in the Old Testament. The garden fall which brought destruction and the rod of Moses that brought healing. The poem was supposed to relate those images to humanity and our capability to be the best or the worst of what God has made us.
It needs work. A lot of work. It's not even really about snakes. I don't know. Help please?