Full Metal Optimist (An FMA Parody)

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Full Metal Optimist (An FMA Parody)

Postby Tommy » Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:36 pm

The title idea is mine. The idea of mkaing it into a story was mine and Josh`s.
Me and Monkey J. Luffy are going to make seperate versions oof parodies of Full Metal Alchemist under the same name and we`ll decide whose is funnier.

By Tom Dincht
--------------------------Chapter 1: To Challenge a Pun---------------------------

Once upon a time there were two brothers, Tom and Josh Loofan.
Tom was a complete pessimist and Josh was a complete optimist.

They had tried using the art of Optimy to ressurect their fallen goldfish but misrably failed, sacrificing Tom`s left arm and leg and Josh`s entire body. Josh was nothi ng but a suit of armour.

They were once walking through a desert when they came upon a random town called Liar.

Tom: FINALLY! A Town.
Josh: A brown town.
Tom: A brown town that is giving me a frown.

The village seemed highly populated, yada yada.
They decided to sit down and eat some cheeseburgers.

Cheeseburgersaretender: *GET IT?! INSTEAD OF BARTENDER!!! :dance:* What are you clowns?
Tom: Clowns in a brown town with frowns.
Josh: Lame.

CBAT: Seriosuly.

Tom: We`re Optimists. I`m the Full Metal Optimist even though he`s Full Metal and I`m half but hey there`s a show about a girl with an alias called "Alias" so the publishers let it slide.

CBAT: This lame parody is published?!

Josh: Brother, look a girl.

CBAT: Her name is Noze. She is what makes the town hate each other. Destory her!!!!!!

Tom: Okay. *Uses Optimy to kill her*

Josh: WAIT! NOOO! Don`t kill an innocent girl!!!!!!....without your random glove!

Tom: Oh, okay..*Puts on glove*

Noze escaped.


*Insert Batman swirly thing and random scene switching jingle*

Noze shows up in front of a pastor.

Pastor Guy: I`m BAD!

Tom: I`m METAL!

Josh: I`m JOSH!


This Chapter was a parody of FMA Ep.1 "One Who Challenges the Sun."
Episode summary here:
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