Hanami Heartbreak

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Hanami Heartbreak

Postby ishy » Sun Mar 26, 2006 8:21 pm

Hanami Heartbreak

I feel helpless.
Scylla and Charybdis came to visit and overstayed their welcome.
I want to tell you how I feel.
I want to go to Toys 'r Us.
Maybe you'd rather go with Scylla to buy lightsabers.
I don't know.
Maybe I should ask Yoda,
wise he is.

I know I proudly put the rock and the hard place there myself,
Funny, I never really cared much until now.
I haven't paid much attention to anyone
Since I gave my heart away to the distant promontory.
Cherry blossoms cover the ground outside while Paul Simon sings,
Hanami heartbreak followed me home.

That dream was sufficient for so long,
Enough to set my heart upon in the lingering darkness.
It seems faint now,
Whispering my name even still
Yet slipping away like a thief.

I wish I could call you a purloiner;
Blame it on a high roll.
But I let the locks get rusty and dull.
Or maybe I secretly left them open,
My right hand keeping secrets from my left,
Not even admitting to myself that's what I wanted.

Cherry blossoms fall and are trampled upon,
Tiny pages in a book of years.
Hanami hopes wither as the year goes on.
Is it spring or will winter come again so soon?
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