the aggresive approach to evangelising

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the aggresive approach to evangelising

Postby justaservent » Tue Nov 01, 2005 12:14 pm

One night, a white Honda Civic pulls into the driveway of a small white house, located in a small suburban community. The driver gets out of his tiny car and walks up the pathway to the frontdoor of this house.As the man walks continualy closer to the door, he pulls out a set of keys from his pocket.
Now at the frontdoor, He holds the doorknob still in one hand, and uses the other to unlock the door with this set of keys.As he is doing this a dagger comes flying through the air and pluges right into the door, not even an inch away from the mans nose! The shocked man jumps back, bends slightly over and starts gasping for air he then, still breathing very heavily inspects the dagger he notices an inscription engraved on the hilt of the dagger
which reads"If this dagger had hit you do you know where you would spend eternity".

its a joke
I worship TRINITY in unity and unity in TRINITY

unfourtanatly i keep falling
fourtanatly ill never fall beyond HIS REACH!

"I am a flower quickly fading, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind. Still YOU hear me when im calling, and YOU told me who I am, I am YOURS"
Casting Crowns (who am I)
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