An Aggressive Love: a Poem Cycle .....Thing

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An Aggressive Love: a Poem Cycle .....Thing

Postby martinloyola » Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:19 pm

This is an ongoing project of mine, as I work on it i will post :)

An Aggressive Love


Filling an irrational consensus,
in today's entombing licentiousness,
Godless Lust fills our eyes with morbid lies,
while moiling mobs of murdrous men devise,
ruin for those who could only bless lives.


Always pawning off their sons and daughters,
ancient peoples sitting in dark waters,
Hiding in secret their evil passions,
they were as dead then as they are now,
under false pretense of prudish potions.


Real love is in these the opposite,
purity and chastity made composite,
within the core shaped bell every time,
provides greater burnings and yearnings,
to a greater ring and more powerful chime,


Fully alive and faithfully fullfilled,
is an aggressive love, that's not waiting,
but open operative offering,
that's not sex, but pure procreative prayer,
deeper development of a blood bond,
love that will outlast the great forever.


It kills the soul that thirsts for it,
and makes them weep who wish with it,
thought these aching bones do not knit,
it hurts forever and lasts only for a bit,
passing parcel of pleasure posing peace.


Aggressive love finds joy on the sea shelf,
out of passing pain's pitiful program,
for life is born out of their sufferings,
great treasure lasting and hope entrusting,
are those who can see beyond their own self.


Dreams and Desires, divindely given gifts,
for humans therein a purpose will lift,
a cold inward soul runs to worldly things,
killing others with wicked wordy stings,
for a Godsent good searching sinful means


Having another as a fantasy,
raises a ripe heart so magically,
dancing drama down through times harest fields,
an aggressive love will grant higher yields,
proving thought intended reality,
looking at the life of infinity.

I invite your comments suggestions critiques etc. I hope you enjoy!! :sweat:
Vash: In the end...he just couldn't kill a man in cold blood. His daughter's murder goes unpunished. Call him weak, saved both of us.

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Postby martinloyola » Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:25 pm

another intallment in the Cycle Thingamabob

Reality Check

Where do we come from?
Places of unkown,
thoughts making magic
turning truths tepid
tying mirth's margin
narrow near knoweldge

whispers went unheard
whilst war-sounds waging
are ears engaging
pitiful minds mold
plainvtive provender

explaining events
any child knowing
faith in the unseen
sure answer given

groanings of Spirit,
revelation sing
this world not knowing
Our Lord, He is King,
and this truth sowing,
He is our Father!

That is our birthplace,
in the mind of God,
He thought us into
being and breathed
our hearts to beating
Reality Check.
Vash: In the end...he just couldn't kill a man in cold blood. His daughter's murder goes unpunished. Call him weak, saved both of us.

want to tell your fantasy or science fiction story and need help, try here :cool:

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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:35 pm

man, i gotta say, this is like one of those works that the interpretation is dependent upon the reader's perspective, very good, i was able to draw multiple meanings from each verse and it was very refreshing to read, good job!
'nuff said
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Postby martinloyola » Fri Sep 09, 2005 10:18 pm

thank you *bows* i try :sweat: when you say interpretation...could you maybe give a couple of example of your interpretations, I'm curious to compare my intentions to them thanks again
Vash: In the end...he just couldn't kill a man in cold blood. His daughter's murder goes unpunished. Call him weak, saved both of us.

want to tell your fantasy or science fiction story and need help, try here :cool:

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