Poem "Mirror of Your Heart"

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Poem "Mirror of Your Heart"

Postby Cinra » Thu Jul 07, 2005 8:36 pm

Mirror of Your Heart

All around the world, people are constantly changing,
Desires and dreams created from what immediately affect us,
For every circumstance that touches our lives,
Comes back soaring like the hasty return of a well-crafted boomerang,
Whether it was time spent with your best friend,
Who listened to everything on your mind and didn’t pretend,
Being there for your family despite the ups and downs,
Enjoying the pleasant smile of a stranger passing by,
By watching people you see how crystal clear they are,
As you glance into them like mirrors,
Reflecting who you are completely stripped of your layers,
A million and one barriers to shield the mysteries, of who you are,
Everyone wears a mask that hides the true self,
To see a piece of humanity in someone,
Is breaking past the denseness of our eyes,
That focuses only on our needs, bustling, and pride,
Tearing down the defenses that humans were born with,
The need to survive overridden by our love and compassion for others,
As a mother treasures her newborn child by keeping it close in care,
Be on the everlasting vigil to view yourself in everyone you meet,
For we are living mirrors in self-discovery shining as brightly as can be,
To have an outlook on life in this way is a miracle too often overlooked,
Remember it well; our reflection is our inner world beaming outward,
Revealing our genuine thoughts and feelings,
From which carries on our primary functioning,
As these are either recognized or left in the dark, blindness over casting,
Fog up your mirror with hate, bitterness, and confusion,
The cracks start creeping, spreading slowly into the depths,
This can be fixed, by filling it with love and tenderness,
The mirrors of our hearts are fragile, take heed,
Handle them with extreme care for when we are broken,
There is nothing but thousands of tiny pieces that will have spoken.

“In the same way, we can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face to face…â€
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