The S.A.B.E.R. Project ~ part 2.

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The S.A.B.E.R. Project ~ part 2.

Postby Lightbringer » Wed Jun 18, 2003 9:52 pm

"What do you mean Ghost.......?" the creature asked, it was odviously confused.
"You are passed from the old life, now you are something different. But really....... you dont need to put thought to that."
"What do you mean," the deep voice responded.
Dr. Waywerd answered by jamming a large needle into the back of the creatures neck. It hardly began to react when it slumped to the floor.
"I want him prepped for surgery imeadiatly, we have to fit his cpu before he wakes up." Lab techs immeadiatly set about the task, they hefted his massive body onto a gurney, strapped him down and wheeled him away. Another grey haired scientist walked up to Dr. Waywerd. "why the rush on the cpu? I thought the obiedience program was enough."
"Odviously Dr. Sanfred, it was not, he shouldn't have been able to speak to me at all without being told to... it must be a side effect of his new geenes."
"But deturminging what geenes are to blame is nearly impossible, that is considering the genetic freefor all that he is now." Dr. Sanfred added.
Waywerds brow furrowed in consentration. "Serpent, ant, crocadilian, cainine ,and botanicle cells were all introduced into his system..... I believe the dificultys come from the plant cells. All the other types were tested before."
"Then why not dump this experiment and start again with no botanicle substances?"
"Dr. Sanfred, you are mearly a observer here, I am much too busy to explain this all out."
The Docter took off his glasses and whiped them off with his shirt. "We both know that if I report back to the N.O.I officials, that I am unsatisfied with your progress, they will pull the plug on your endevores, I sugest you make the time for me." Sanfred had a smug look on his face.
Sigh,"Very well, follow me." The two scientists walked out of the labritory, and down a long white steril coridor. "As you know this eperiment was founded by my predicesor Dr. Betta, his goals were to create organic perfection as he liked to put it. Really he was ordered to make a new weapon for the ongoing war efforts. This has been dubbed Project S.A.B.E.R."
"Right, the Specialized Assasination Bio Engineared Robot, but what does this have to do with plants?"
"Well it has a few things to do with plants." He quickened his pace to make the conversation shorter. "First of all, Biological enginearing is not just spliceing genes, we are pushing into a new direction. We want to make completely new materials. But animals can only do so much, we dont make our own resorces, we have to take them from plants."
"Plants use up recorces as well." Sanfred countered.
"This is true, but the chemicle processes we use differ. By changeing certain genes we are able to have plants produce new things, like fuel used by machines. Now we are going in a new direction. Two months ago, we had a breakthrough, Biospectric steel."
"I've never heard about that."
"Its security level Black, so keep this to yourself." Waywerd clearned his throat before he continued."Biospectric steel is a liveing botanicle metal. We had the idea of fuseing it to our S.A.B.E.R. thus giveing him self healing armor, but in order for them to be compatable he needs to have plant cells of his own, otherwise his system will reject it and he'll die"
"Thats increadible."
"Thats nothing, when we're finished with him, he will be able to seek and destroy almost anything, people, tanks, even heavy asult mechs. But now if you'll excuse me." The two came to the end of the hall Dr. Waywerd pushed through the large double doors. "I must implant his cpu, otherwise we could have a large problem on our hands."
"Very well, but Id like to be present at his testing." Dr. Waywerd gave a nod and went into the room.

Well, this was kind of boreing, but its just setting up whats gonna happen i guess. um ....... if anybodys got comments or sugjestions or questions or whatever, just post em here.

Lightbringer // Aaron
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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Jun 19, 2003 7:14 pm

Yeah, this could go places. Very interesting.

If this can be answered without revieling information I wouldn't want to know, go ahead. Why was he called a ghost? From the scientist's talk, he doesn't sound like a ghost to me... or should I toss out my preconception of what the word "ghost" means?
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Postby Lightbringer » Thu Jun 19, 2003 7:18 pm

Well he's called ghost because the person he used to be is dead.This comes into play later on, its actually a major plot point, so i wont go into it any further. And if anybodys wondering ive been working on this for a while so the matrix guy named ghost ( raspberry) lol. also though, I thought about changeing it because of the movie, then i remembered that theres hardly any names ever that havn't been used sometime in the span of humanity. so .... oh well, i wont let it get me down ( though im not saying go and use a name of something extreamly well known like, this is my new charicter superman. )

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