which 1???

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which 1???

Postby faithfighter » Fri May 13, 2005 10:01 pm

Ok I have a bunch of story ideas...but don't know which 1 to write 1st, so will you guys help me decide??

>Peace Agent:
Years into the future Earth is in Chaos the discovery of Alien planets and that a secret war is going on only makes things worse. Earth strikes up and alliance with a peaceful planet in order to survive, but are they strong enough to hold up against the angry Zeds who think of Earth as a Threat??? The answer was no. Earth’s inhabitants were scattered. Years later nothing changed except 1 man wanted to do something about this mess. He formed the Peace Agents to restore order to Earth.

>Life acording to a Teenage Ninja

>Change of Heart

>About him.
[color="Green"][font="Verdana"]There is no one you can't love once you know their story-Mary Lou Lawnacki[/font][/color]
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