Some stuff

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Some stuff

Postby For_Him » Tue Apr 05, 2005 12:47 pm

I just write whatevers in me, so some stuff won't rhyme.

The Dream.

I once had a dream,
Or was it a nightmare?
A dream so real,
Of a man from Galilee.

I saw the street,
The soldiers,
The crowds,
And one man they were huddled around.

I moved closer to the crowd,
They paid no heed to me.
I asked a woman who the man was,
It was as if she didn't hear me.

I looked at the man,
And what I saw sickend me.
He was covered in blood from his head to his feet,
His face was unrecognizable, like raw meat.

They were beating Him,
Hurting Him,
Spitting in his face.
Then I saw who it was,
In this very same place.

It was Him, the very one,
God's only begotten Son.
My Savior, my everything,
On a cross 2,000 years ago, the one who died for me.

I stood there watching,
The beating, Christ's pain.
With each blow blood flew,
Like bloody drops of rain.

I couldn't take it anymore,
Not a second or two.
I ran to his side at once,
Screaming "Jesus, let me save you!"

Then Jesus looked at me,
Raised his hand and said,
"If you save me, all is lost,
The world shall surely be dead."

I stopped, my eyes wide,
My face pale, ghost white,
I felt like a child, I wanted to ask why,
But then I woke up, and started to cry.

This dream was real, was it?
I forgot.
For I know that You have forgiven me,
When obviously, deserve it I do not.

But I accept your forgiving love,
I embrace it, like a child it's mother.
You are my God, my everything,
I love You like there is no other.

It'll be quite a while untill some new stuff jumps into my head.
Brother of Sparx00.

Xbox LIVE Gamertag: BCMac87

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