You ever have one of those times when your stressed or upset over something and a poem starts to come to you at random? I had one of those moments yesterday as I was laying in my bed trying to go to sleep and feeling a bit depressed. Hope y'all like it!
lonliness is in my heart,
it is tearing me apart,
I long for love but cannot find,
a man that one day will be mine,
Jesus is here to light the way,
but lonliness is here to stay,
is it wrong to long for such things?
or am I making hopeless flings?
my body longs for one man's touch,
is it asking all too much?
I toss and turn and groan at length,
I fell that I am sapping strength,
will God give me what I wish someday?
or is this ache here to stay?
The Bible says He will grant my need,
but for these moments I will bleed.
I realize that this poem is very dark and some of the things I said are not true...I shouldn't be lonely with Jesus lighting the way. But I felt sad last night and melancholy and when you are that state you say stupid things. Oh well. Hope you guys like it!:D