Never thirsty! wrote:Loosely transalated Luna means night which is why I'm using it to mean darkness
Very loosely translated, apparently - "Luna" is just the Latin word for the Moon.
yes xeno I can code JavaScript and C# but I'm making this game with the unity 3d engine
You can learn how to program, and you can learn how to program graphics into a game, but you have to make those graphics in the first place. (And by JavaScript, you mean Java, right? The two are related, but JS is for websites while just Java is for programs.)
At any rate, I'd suggest you look into Game Maker for a possible alternative, if you find that building 3D assets is over your group's heads. There's been a lot of commercial or near-professional quality games made in GM (Iji, Hydorah, Hotline Miami, Spelunky, Runman: Race Around the World and more), and from what I hear, it's a lot easier to get into than a straight computer language. You might have to scale back your plans for a 3D first-person game a ways (maybe even back to 2D), and you'll still need to have someone good at spriting or animation around, but the bar to entry is a lot lower.
and I'm not the only person working on it a bunch of my friends are helping as well it's not just me we are still throwing ideas around but that's what we're thinking our game should be except spoiler your character dies in the end no matter what
So not every decision you make changes the outcome of the next step, if your character dies no matter what. I'm not saying you can't do that in your story, but you can't make that claim if there's something you can't change no matter what you do. Goldy's right - you can promise and plan to put all you want into a game, but it doesn't mean a thing until you can actually play it.
but there will be a sequal I can't tell you how that would ruin the whole plot
Protip: Don't get too ambitious yet. Figure out if your first game/story/whatever is going to fly first, build it so that it stands on its own, and THEN think about what you're going to do in the sequel. Otherwise, you could get so hung up on the next one that you forget to make the first good. There couldn't have been a Dragon Ball Z if Dragon Ball hadn't been a success.