Titan Frame Projects (Currently unofficial and non-existent) presents: Metroid IV.V: Aurora...
Takuya, a young and zealous bountyhunter discovers his true destiny when Rhazein and Renous (Leh-nohs), two surviving members of the thought-to-be-extinct species, Chozo, grant him with a superweapon to save the universe. But he must first pay a visit to an old friend.
As Takuya, Samus, Renous, and Rhazein, you must uncover the secrets behind Tallon IV, Zebes, Aether, SR388, the Space Pirates, and the mysterious disapearance of the Chozo.
This is the introduction for my fangame: Metroid: Aurora. Like it? You'll love the game... Now if only I could find a crew... please sign up here... just post that you'd like to help and I'll start when my staff is big enough...
I need alot of stuff... in fact, I'm going to post a topic on more boards... I'm kinda desperate... but http://www.mp2d.co.uk will be my main base (Like Samus' ship VS the save stations in Metroid Prime)... That's where my BIG topic's gonna be... Also, I am second to the webmaster at http://sentinalrp.tk and will be creating a forum on Metroid IV.V: Aurora... I'll be using MP2D as main base for lack of members at Sentinal and since there are many ppl at MP2D who want to create/ help create a fangame/ fangames...