Ah...Koukou Debut, or High school Debut is a beautiful shojo manga that has recently been licensed by Viz and it has captured my heart.
This is a very big deal, coming from me, because I don't read shojo mangas or like them very much at all.
The story is about Haruna, who is a first year in high school. She loves to read shojo and wants very much to have a boyfriend in high school to experience love. However, she's devoted all her former time with softball, so she's had no time to look up the current trends or brush up on her social skills. She eventually enlists the help of a trendy boy named Yoh, who hates girls, but decides to help her anyway.
I absolutely love this manga for it's realistic touch and comedy and I want everyone here to read it, at least the girls. It's extremely clean for a shojo, which I love, and actually pretty straightforward. It's not a manga that makes you think. It also isn't angst/drama driven like most other shojo, which is a hook for me.
It's just a really great story and one I know many people here will appreciate. :3