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D. Gray-man

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 12:53 pm
by Debitt
^^ Has anyone else read this so far? I know Viz has licensed it, but I've been following the scanslations as of late, and, o.o/ I'm quite obsessed *points to Rabi avatar*

I find the idea of evil forces preying upon people's grief to be a very interesting and very scary concept. XD;

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 8:33 pm
by MasterDias
I read like the first five chapters but am not currently following it. It appears to be decently popular on the Japanese charts.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:11 pm
by That Dude
Grey Man is the name of a song by NogginTaboggan! I'll probably check this out when it gets released stateside.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 9:41 am
by Hoshika
Ah, yes. I was wondering when anyone here would mention it. I haven't downloaded the scanlations since the sitr I go to still has a lot of them in the raw and well... me don't feel like translating.

Anyway, I'am very excited about this series. Based on the information I collected about it this should be a good read though perhaps falling somewhere in the horror range rather than action and adventure. Probably not a good read for people who have issues with scary stories, i.e. get scared reading and/or hearing them.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:15 am
by Debitt
Actually I think the manga drops very neatly between horror and action/adventure. The first few chapters...I'd definitely say fall more along the horror lines, especially the story that deals with the priest and his wife. o.o; Whoo. But after vol. 2 or so you get more action and less "wow, scary". xD; Or, at least, that's my opinion.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:56 pm
by Aka-chan
I just read the first chapter on the recommendation of this thread and a few friends, and, yeah, that was pretty much in the horror genre. I liked Allen, though, so I do believe I'll be reading more. Hopefully then I can contribute more. ^__^

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:06 pm
by KrescentMoon
>D D.Gray-Man is awesome~ The storyline is isn't *too* unique but the ideas that sorround it are unusal. It's worth the read, but the scanslation team recently updated saying that Hoshino-sensei has fallen ill! >< Bad enough that there might be two weeks without D-Gure material. D: I hope he recovers soon! I don't think we'd want the story to end like Cowboy Bebop (the author passed away before completing the series).

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:12 pm
by Debitt
*dies at the thought* @_____________@; baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ Noo, don't wanna have to wait LONGER. *twitches*

I'd die if my supply of Rabi was cut off...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:20 pm
by Aka-chan
That's where doujinshi comes in!! X3 But I would be sad if the canon never finished... I'm sure the manga-ka will recover! *o*

Kodai, you are making me so curious to meet this Rabi character...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:08 pm
by Debitt
Chapter 26. ^.~

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:37 pm
by uc pseudonym
I read 20 chapters and found it moderately interesting. I'll await the appearance of Rabi; so far I've found all the characters rather cliche. The plot is currently rather simple (though with the House of Noah introduced maybe it is beginning to thicken) and for some reason the author's non-realistic art rubs me the wrong way (hence I like it better when there is action involved).

Also, I have difficulty taking the Earl of the Millinium seriously. There are many ways to make a childish/friendly villain menacing, but so far I haven't seen much of that.

Hm, this post was rather negative; sorry.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:36 pm
by Debitt
:lol: The Earl scares me out of my pants. I guess maybe it depends on if you're afraid of clowns or not...'cause he's kinda got that clown vibe to him, y'know? xD;

PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:01 pm
by Kawaiikneko
oh I like it so far! Fun manga ^^

PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:33 am
by uc pseudonym
I hadn't seen the clown aspect, but now that you mention it I see the similarities. Having now read more, I can say that I don't really care about Rabi either way and I'm unimpressed with the Noah Family. The Aleister Crowley bit was pretty interesting.

With that out of the way, I hope to get into this next arc more fully. I think that it has some potential.